Private plugins for the server Minecraft, or as they are called in common parlance - " Leaks of plugins Minecraft. This section of the forum is dedicated to such resources. Yes, yes, here are published resources that are usually sold by developers, but here, every user of the forum can download leacks plugin absolutely free. This section is created for users who can't afford to buy a paid plugin. For users with a Gold subscription we have a separate section of private plugins, and a hidden section, that non-Gold users can't even see.
Don't forget to share interesting plugins you have in your piggy bank.
But remember, for publishing plugins with hacks, will follow, a disproportionately harsh and unfair punishment. Therefore, to avoid such problems, each publishing user must specify the source of the plugin. You must be 200% sure that the plugin does not pose a threat to users.
Even though we are a Black Minecraft, but hacks for servers we will not tolerate!