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Помощь с приватами

  • Автор темыmakakakaa2001
  • Дата начала
Плагины использую: WorldGuard, ProtectionStones, PSAddon.
1. При взрыве донат привата выпадает не сам дон рг, а просто блок его который не приватит.
2. У меня в приватах есть незеритовый блок, и т.к в дефолт майне он не взрывается то когда я сделал его приватом, он точно так-же не взрываемый, можно как-то пофиксить?
3. При взрыве алмазной руды (региона) выпадает не блок региона, а просто пару алмазиков.
Ниже конфиги всего:

Конфиг PSAddon:
    # Общие настройки блока


      create-lightning-strike: false   # Удар молнии при создании региона

      delete-lightning-strike: true   # Удар молнии при удалении региона

      merge-regions: true             # Запрещать ли слияние регионов

      block-piston: true              # Двигать блоки поршнями в регионах

      explosions: true                # Включить или выключить все взрывы

      exclusion-explosions-types: []  # Вайтлист/Блеклист типов взрывов

      use-spawn-eggs: true            # Можно ли спавнить мобов яйцами призыва

      falling-block-allow: true       # Разрешить ли засыпать регионы падающими блоками (Песок, гравий, сухой бетон)

      destroy-block-region: true     # Позволяет взрывать блоки региона (С удалением блока, голограммы и региона)

      block-change-wither: false       # Позволяет визеру ломать блоки телом

      hook-up-mine-cart-hopper: true  # Использование удочки на вагонетки с воронкой

      open-mine-cart-hopper: true     # Открытие вагонетки с воронкой

      item-move-to-mine-cart-hopper: true # Перемещение предметов в вагонетку с воронкой

Конфиг ProtectionStones:
незерит блок:
# Define your protection block below
# Use block type from here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If you want to use player heads, you can use "PLAYER_HEAD:player_name" (ex. "PLAYER_HEAD:Notch")
# To use custom player heads, you need the base64 value of the head. On minecraft-heads.com, you will find this value in the Other section under "Value:".
# To use UUIDs for player heads, go to https://sessionserver.mojang.com/session/minecraft/profile/PUT-UUID-HERE and copy the value from the "value" field not including quotes.
# When you have the value, you can set the type to "PLAYER_HEAD:value"
# Another way to refer to the protection stone
# Can be used for /ps give and /ps get
# Must be one word (no spaces)
alias = "Огромный-приват"
# Description of the protection block type
# Shows up in /ps get menu
description = "20 block radius protection zone."
# Whether or not to restrict obtaining of the protection stone to only /ps get and /ps give and custom crafting recipes.
# Other ways to obtain this block (ex. mining) will not work as a protection stone.
# Useful to allow the protection block to only be obtained from a shop or command.
# Set to "false" if you want to allow players to obtain a protection stone naturally
restrict_obtaining = false
# Enable or disable the use of this protection stone in specific worlds
# "blacklist" mode prevents this protect block from being used in the worlds in "worlds"
# "whitelist" mode allows this protect block to only be used in the worlds in "worlds"
# Can be overriden with protectionstones.admin permission (including OP)!
world_list_type = "blacklist"
worlds = ["exampleworld1", "exampleworld2"]
# Whether or not to actually restrict the protection stone from being placed when the world is restricted (in blacklist/whitelist)
# The block will place normally, without PS behaviour.
prevent_block_place_in_restricted_world = true
# Whether or not to allow the block to be placed in the wild.
# If set to false, the protection block can only be placed in existing regions.
allow_placing_in_wild = true
# Whether or not to allow the block to bypass the WorldGuard passthrough flag.
# This allows the protection block to be placed even if WorldGuard prevents block placing in the wild.
placing_bypasses_wg_passthrough = true

    # Minimum distance between claims (that aren't owned by the same owner), measured from the protection block to the edge of another region
    # You will probably have to change this between blocks, since the region sizes will be different
    # Set to -1 for no minimum, but will still check for overlapping regions
    distance_between_claims = -1
    # Protection radius of block (radius of 64 -> 129 x 129 region)
    # Set y_radius to -1 if you want it to protect for all y levels.
    # y_radius must be -1 if you are allowing the region to be merged ("allow_merging" option)
    x_radius = 20
    y_radius = 20
    z_radius = 20
    # Enables "chunk snapping mode", where the region boundaries will be determined by the chunk the block is in, and the
    # chunk_radius (how many chunks away from the center chunk).
    # Allows players to not have to worry about the exact placement of their block, and removes the issue of messy overlapping
    # regions (as they all conform to chunk boundaries).
    # Set to -1 to disable, and any number larger than or equal to 1 to enable.
    # Note: If enabled, x_radius and z_radius will be ignored!
    chunk_radius = -1
    # How many blocks to offset the default location of /ps home from the protection block
    home_x_offset = 0.0
    home_y_offset = 1.0
    home_z_offset = 0.0
    # Specify the default flags to be set when a new protected region is created.
    # Can use -g [group] before the flag to set group flags (ex. -g members pvp deny).
    # Can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders in string flags (ex. greeting, farewell).
    flags = ["pvp allow", "tnt allow", "greeting §x§0§8§4§C§F§B§lР§x§2§4§6§8§F§B§lе§x§3§F§8§4§F§C§lг§x§5§B§A§0§F§C§lи§x§7§6§B§B§F§C§lо§x§9§2§D§7§F§D§lн§x§A§D§F§3§F§D§lы &7┃&f Вторжение в регион &fигрока &b%player%", "farewell §x§0§8§4§C§F§B§lР§x§2§4§6§8§F§B§lе§x§3§F§8§4§F§C§lг§x§5§B§A§0§F§C§lи§x§7§6§B§B§F§C§lо§x§9§2§D§7§F§D§lн§x§A§D§F§3§F§D§lы &7┃&f Выход из региона игрока &b%player%", "greeting-action &f Вторжение в регион игрока &b%player%", "farewell-action &f Выход из региона игрока &b%player%", "creeper-explosion", "wither-damage deny", "ghast-fireball deny"]
    # List all the flags that can be set by region owners.
    # If you want to whitelist the groups that can be set as well, use -g (ex. "-g all,members pvp" restricts it to no group flag, and members group)
    # "-g all pvp" - Prevents players setting the group to nonmembers, and being invulnerable to attacks.
    allowed_flags = ["-g all pvp", "greeting", "greeting-title", "greeting-action", "farewell", "farewell-title", "farewell-action", "mob-spawning", "creeper-explosion", "wither-damage", "ghast-fireball"]
    # Which flags to hide from /ps info
    hidden_flags_from_info = ["ps-name", "ps-merged-regions", "ps-merged-regions-types", "ps-block-material", "ps-price", "ps-landlord", "ps-tenant", "ps-rent-period", "ps-rent-last-paid", "ps-for-sale", "ps-rent-settings", "ps-tax-payments-due", "ps-tax-last-payment-added", "ps-tax-autopayer"]
    # Default priority type for this block type protection stone
    priority = 0
    # Whether or not to allow creation of regions that overlap other regions you don't own
    # This is dangerous, so think about this carefully if you set it to true.
    allow_overlap_unowned_regions = false
    # Whether or not to allow players to create other regions that overlap this region.
    # "owner" - only allow owners to overlap this (default)
    # "member" - allow members and owners to overlap this region type. (useful for city plots)
    # "all" - allow all players to overlap this region type.
    # "none" - no players, not even the owners of the region can overlap it
    # allow_overlap_unowned_regions does not need to be true for this to work.
    allow_other_regions_to_overlap = "owner"
    # Whether or not to allow this regions created with this block to merge with other regions
    # allow_merging_regions must be set to true in config.toml
    allow_merging = true
    # Allowed types of regions to merge into (referred to by alias)
    # Be sure to add the alias of this current region type to allow merging with it ex. ["64"]
    # Add "all" if you want to allow this region to merge into any region
    allowed_merging_into_types = ["all"]
    # Offset the protection block
    # If you would like to make the protection block not be at the center of new regions, you can offset it here
    # ex. x_offset = 64, y_offset = 0, z_offset = 64 would make it at the corner of a created region
    x_offset = 0
    y_offset = 0
    z_offset = 0

    # Name given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
    # Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
    # Leave as '' for no name
    display_name = ""
    # Lore given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
    # Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
    # Leave as [] for no lore
    lore = [""]
    # Whether the item should have an "glow/enchant" effect look when in a player's inventory.
    enchanted_effect = false
    # Add price when using /ps get
    # Must have compatible economy plugin (requires Vault, ie. Essentials)
    # Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
    price = 0.0
    # Whether or not to allow crafting this item using a custom recipe
    # Useful to allow crafting the item when restrict_obtaining is set to true
    allow_craft_with_custom_recipe = false
    # Specify the custom crafting recipe below
    # You must fill the item spots with names from here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
    # You can also use other protection stone items as ingredients in the recipe, in the format PROTECTION_STONES:alias
    # Make sure that you set allow_use_in_crafting for that block to true, or else you can't use it in crafting
    # If you want air, you can just leave the spot as ""
    custom_recipe = [["", "STONE", ""], ["STONE", "EMERALD", "STONE"], ["", "STONE", ""]]
    # Amount of the protection item to give when crafted
    recipe_amount = 1
    # The custom model data of the block item, useful for resource packs. Set to -1 to disable.
    custom_model_data = -1

    # Taxes must be enabled in config.toml first (tax_enabled)
    # The amount to tax the region per tax cycle.
    # Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
    tax_amount = 0.0
    # The amount of seconds between tax cycles. Set to -1 to disable taxes.
    tax_period = -1
    # Amount of time to pay taxes in seconds after tax cycle before there is punishment.
    tax_payment_time = 86400
    # Automatically set the player that created the region as the taxpayer.
    start_with_tax_autopay = true
    # What role tenants should be added as (for rents). It can either be "owner" or "member".
    tenant_rent_role = "member"
    # Should the landlords of rented out regions still be an owner while it is rented out?
    landlord_still_owner = false

    # Hide protection stone right away when placed?
    auto_hide = false
    # Whether or not to automatically merge into other regions when placed if there is only one overlapping and allow_merging is true
    auto_merge = false
    # Disable returning the block when removed/unclaimed?
    no_drop = false
    # Prevents piston pushing of the block. Recommended to keep as true.
    prevent_piston_push = true
    # Prevents the block from being destroyed when exploded.
    # Recommended to keep true to prevent players from exploiting more protection stones with /ps unhide (when the block is destroyed)
    prevent_explode = true
    # Destroys the protection stone region when block is exploded. Can be useful for PVP/Factions servers.
    # prevent_explode must be false for this to work.
    destroy_region_when_explode = false
    # Silk Touch: if true, ore-blocks that are also configured by ProtectionStones will disallow Silk Touch drops
    # This was the old behaviour to prevent natural obtaining of the protection stone.
    # Recommended to keep false if "Restrict Obtaining" (the new way) is true
    prevent_silk_touch = false
    # Set cost for when a protection block is placed (separate from /ps get cost)
    cost_to_place = 0.0
    # Allow protect block item to be smelt in furnaces
    allow_smelt_item = false
    # Allows the protection block to be used in crafting recipes
    # You may want it set to false to prevent players decomposing its elements
    allow_use_in_crafting = true

    # Whether or not to allow breaking the protection block with a shift-right click
    # Useful if the protection block is unbreakable (bedrock, command block), etc.
    allow_shift_right_break = false
    # Whether or not to prevent teleporting into a protected region if the player doesn't own it (except with ender pearl and chorus fruit)
    # Does not prevent entry, use the flag "entry deny" for preventing entry.
    # Bypass with protectionstones.tp.bypassprevent
    prevent_teleport_in = false
    # Can't move for x seconds before teleporting with /ps home or /ps tp. Can be disabled with 0.
    # Option to teleport only if player stands still.
    # Can override with permission protectionstones.tp.bypasswait
    no_moving_when_tp_waiting = true
    tp_waiting_seconds = 0
    # Whether or not to prevent obtaining this block through /ps get.
    # Ignored with protectionstones.admin
    prevent_ps_get = false
    # Whether or not to prevent this region type from showing up in /ps home, and allowing teleport.
    # Note: admins can still use /ps tp to this region type
    prevent_ps_home = false
    # Extra permission required to place this specific protection block (you still need protectionstones.create)
    # Also applies to /ps get (you still need protectionstones.get)
    # '' for no extra permission
    permission = ""

    # Events section
    # [CODE]~~~~~~~~~~~
    # For each line on events, it is the format 'type: action'
    # The following are accepted types:
    # player_command - Execute command by player that caused event (won't execute if not applicable)
    # console_command - Execute command by console
    # message - Send message to player or console if applicable (colour support with &)
    # global_message - Send message to all players and console (colour support with &)
    # console_message - Send message to console (colour support with &)
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Донат регион:
# Define your protection block below
# Use block type from here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If you want to use player heads, you can use "PLAYER_HEAD:player_name" (ex. "PLAYER_HEAD:Notch")
# To use custom player heads, you need the base64 value of the head. On minecraft-heads.com, you will find this value in the Other section under "Value:".
# To use UUIDs for player heads, go to https://sessionserver.mojang.com/session/minecraft/profile/PUT-UUID-HERE and copy the value from the "value" field not including quotes.
# When you have the value, you can set the type to "PLAYER_HEAD:value"
# Another way to refer to the protection stone
# Can be used for /ps give and /ps get
# Must be one word (no spaces)
alias = "Донатерский-приват"
# Description of the protection block type
# Shows up in /ps get menu
description = "3 block radius protection zone."
# Whether or not to restrict obtaining of the protection stone to only /ps get and /ps give and custom crafting recipes.
# Other ways to obtain this block (ex. mining) will not work as a protection stone.
# Useful to allow the protection block to only be obtained from a shop or command.
# Set to "false" if you want to allow players to obtain a protection stone naturally
restrict_obtaining = true
# Enable or disable the use of this protection stone in specific worlds
# "blacklist" mode prevents this protect block from being used in the worlds in "worlds"
# "whitelist" mode allows this protect block to only be used in the worlds in "worlds"
# Can be overriden with protectionstones.admin permission (including OP)!
world_list_type = "blacklist"
worlds = ["exampleworld1", "exampleworld2"]
# Whether or not to actually restrict the protection stone from being placed when the world is restricted (in blacklist/whitelist)
# The block will place normally, without PS behaviour.
prevent_block_place_in_restricted_world = true
# Whether or not to allow the block to be placed in the wild.
# If set to false, the protection block can only be placed in existing regions.
allow_placing_in_wild = true
# Whether or not to allow the block to bypass the WorldGuard passthrough flag.
# This allows the protection block to be placed even if WorldGuard prevents block placing in the wild.
placing_bypasses_wg_passthrough = true

    # Minimum distance between claims (that aren't owned by the same owner), measured from the protection block to the edge of another region
    # You will probably have to change this between blocks, since the region sizes will be different
    # Set to -1 for no minimum, but will still check for overlapping regions
    distance_between_claims = -1
    # Protection radius of block (radius of 64 -> 129 x 129 region)
    # Set y_radius to -1 if you want it to protect for all y levels.
    # y_radius must be -1 if you are allowing the region to be merged ("allow_merging" option)
    x_radius = 30
    y_radius = 30
    z_radius = 30
    # Enables "chunk snapping mode", where the region boundaries will be determined by the chunk the block is in, and the
    # chunk_radius (how many chunks away from the center chunk).
    # Allows players to not have to worry about the exact placement of their block, and removes the issue of messy overlapping
    # regions (as they all conform to chunk boundaries).
    # Set to -1 to disable, and any number larger than or equal to 1 to enable.
    # Note: If enabled, x_radius and z_radius will be ignored!
    chunk_radius = -1
    # How many blocks to offset the default location of /ps home from the protection block
    home_x_offset = 0.0
    home_y_offset = 1.0
    home_z_offset = 0.0
    # Specify the default flags to be set when a new protected region is created.
    # Can use -g [group] before the flag to set group flags (ex. -g members pvp deny).
    # Can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders in string flags (ex. greeting, farewell).
    flags = ["pvp allow", "tnt allow", "greeting §x§0§8§4§C§F§B§lР§x§2§4§6§8§F§B§lе§x§3§F§8§4§F§C§lг§x§5§B§A§0§F§C§lи§x§7§6§B§B§F§C§lо§x§9§2§D§7§F§D§lн§x§A§D§F§3§F§D§lы &7┃&f Вторжение в регион &fигрока &b%player%", "farewell §x§0§8§4§C§F§B§lР§x§2§4§6§8§F§B§lе§x§3§F§8§4§F§C§lг§x§5§B§A§0§F§C§lи§x§7§6§B§B§F§C§lо§x§9§2§D§7§F§D§lн§x§A§D§F§3§F§D§lы &7┃&f Выход из региона игрока &b%player%", "greeting-action &f Вторжение в регион игрока &b%player%", "farewell-action &f Выход из региона игрока &b%player%", "creeper-explosion deny", "wither-damage deny", "ghast-fireball deny"]
    # List all the flags that can be set by region owners.
    # If you want to whitelist the groups that can be set as well, use -g (ex. "-g all,members pvp" restricts it to no group flag, and members group)
    # "-g all pvp" - Prevents players setting the group to nonmembers, and being invulnerable to attacks.
    allowed_flags = ["-g all pvp", "greeting", "greeting-title", "greeting-action", "farewell", "farewell-title", "farewell-action", "mob-spawning", "creeper-explosion", "wither-damage", "ghast-fireball"]
    # Which flags to hide from /ps info
    hidden_flags_from_info = ["ps-name", "ps-merged-regions", "ps-merged-regions-types", "ps-block-material", "ps-price", "ps-landlord", "ps-tenant", "ps-rent-period", "ps-rent-last-paid", "ps-for-sale", "ps-rent-settings", "ps-tax-payments-due", "ps-tax-last-payment-added", "ps-tax-autopayer"]
    # Default priority type for this block type protection stone
    priority = 0
    # Whether or not to allow creation of regions that overlap other regions you don't own
    # This is dangerous, so think about this carefully if you set it to true.
    allow_overlap_unowned_regions = false
    # Whether or not to allow players to create other regions that overlap this region.
    # "owner" - only allow owners to overlap this (default)
    # "member" - allow members and owners to overlap this region type. (useful for city plots)
    # "all" - allow all players to overlap this region type.
    # "none" - no players, not even the owners of the region can overlap it
    # allow_overlap_unowned_regions does not need to be true for this to work.
    allow_other_regions_to_overlap = "owner"
    # Whether or not to allow this regions created with this block to merge with other regions
    # allow_merging_regions must be set to true in config.toml
    allow_merging = true
    # Allowed types of regions to merge into (referred to by alias)
    # Be sure to add the alias of this current region type to allow merging with it ex. ["64"]
    # Add "all" if you want to allow this region to merge into any region
    allowed_merging_into_types = ["all"]
    # Offset the protection block
    # If you would like to make the protection block not be at the center of new regions, you can offset it here
    # ex. x_offset = 64, y_offset = 0, z_offset = 64 would make it at the corner of a created region
    x_offset = 0
    y_offset = 0
    z_offset = 0

    # Name given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
    # Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
    # Leave as '' for no name
    display_name = "§x§0§8§4§C§F§B[§x§1§6§5§A§F§BД§x§2§4§6§8§F§Bо§x§3§1§7§6§F§Cн§x§3§F§8§4§F§Cа§x§4§D§9§2§F§Cт §x§5§B§A§0§F§Cр§x§6§8§A§D§F§Cе§x§7§6§B§B§F§Cг§x§8§4§C§9§F§Dи§x§9§2§D§7§F§Dо§x§9§F§E§5§F§Dн§x§A§D§F§3§F§D]"
    # Lore given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
    # Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
    # Leave as [] for no lore
    lore = ["&7Невидимый защитный блок,",
        "&7приватит радиусом 30x30 блоков"]
    # Whether the item should have an "glow/enchant" effect look when in a player's inventory.
    enchanted_effect = false
    # Add price when using /ps get
    # Must have compatible economy plugin (requires Vault, ie. Essentials)
    # Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
    price = 0.0
    # Whether or not to allow crafting this item using a custom recipe
    # Useful to allow crafting the item when restrict_obtaining is set to true
    allow_craft_with_custom_recipe = false
    # Specify the custom crafting recipe below
    # You must fill the item spots with names from here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
    # You can also use other protection stone items as ingredients in the recipe, in the format PROTECTION_STONES:alias
    # Make sure that you set allow_use_in_crafting for that block to true, or else you can't use it in crafting
    # If you want air, you can just leave the spot as ""
    custom_recipe = [["", "STONE", ""], ["STONE", "EMERALD", "STONE"], ["", "STONE", ""]]
    # Amount of the protection item to give when crafted
    recipe_amount = 1
    # The custom model data of the block item, useful for resource packs. Set to -1 to disable.
    custom_model_data = -1

    # Taxes must be enabled in config.toml first (tax_enabled)
    # The amount to tax the region per tax cycle.
    # Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
    tax_amount = 0.0
    # The amount of seconds between tax cycles. Set to -1 to disable taxes.
    tax_period = -1
    # Amount of time to pay taxes in seconds after tax cycle before there is punishment.
    tax_payment_time = 86400
    # Automatically set the player that created the region as the taxpayer.
    start_with_tax_autopay = true
    # What role tenants should be added as (for rents). It can either be "owner" or "member".
    tenant_rent_role = "member"
    # Should the landlords of rented out regions still be an owner while it is rented out?
    landlord_still_owner = false

    # Hide protection stone right away when placed?
    auto_hide = false
    # Whether or not to automatically merge into other regions when placed if there is only one overlapping and allow_merging is true
    auto_merge = false
    # Disable returning the block when removed/unclaimed?
    no_drop = false
    # Prevents piston pushing of the block. Recommended to keep as true.
    prevent_piston_push = true
    # Prevents the block from being destroyed when exploded.
    # Recommended to keep true to prevent players from exploiting more protection stones with /ps unhide (when the block is destroyed)
    prevent_explode = true
    # Destroys the protection stone region when block is exploded. Can be useful for PVP/Factions servers.
    # prevent_explode must be false for this to work.
    destroy_region_when_explode = false
    # Silk Touch: if true, ore-blocks that are also configured by ProtectionStones will disallow Silk Touch drops
    # This was the old behaviour to prevent natural obtaining of the protection stone.
    # Recommended to keep false if "Restrict Obtaining" (the new way) is true
    prevent_silk_touch = false
    # Set cost for when a protection block is placed (separate from /ps get cost)
    cost_to_place = 0.0
    # Allow protect block item to be smelt in furnaces
    allow_smelt_item = false
    # Allows the protection block to be used in crafting recipes
    # You may want it set to false to prevent players decomposing its elements
    allow_use_in_crafting = true

    # Whether or not to allow breaking the protection block with a shift-right click
    # Useful if the protection block is unbreakable (bedrock, command block), etc.
    allow_shift_right_break = false
    # Whether or not to prevent teleporting into a protected region if the player doesn't own it (except with ender pearl and chorus fruit)
    # Does not prevent entry, use the flag "entry deny" for preventing entry.
    # Bypass with protectionstones.tp.bypassprevent
    prevent_teleport_in = false
    # Can't move for x seconds before teleporting with /ps home or /ps tp. Can be disabled with 0.
    # Option to teleport only if player stands still.
    # Can override with permission protectionstones.tp.bypasswait
    no_moving_when_tp_waiting = true
    tp_waiting_seconds = 0
    # Whether or not to prevent obtaining this block through /ps get.
    # Ignored with protectionstones.admin
    prevent_ps_get = false
    # Whether or not to prevent this region type from showing up in /ps home, and allowing teleport.
    # Note: admins can still use /ps tp to this region type
    prevent_ps_home = false
    # Extra permission required to place this specific protection block (you still need protectionstones.create)
    # Also applies to /ps get (you still need protectionstones.get)
    # '' for no extra permission
    permission = ""

    # Events section
    # [CODE]~~~~~~~~~~~
    # For each line on events, it is the format 'type: action'
    # The following are accepted types:
    # player_command - Execute command by player that caused event (won't execute if not applicable)
    # console_command - Execute command by console
    # message - Send message to player or console if applicable (colour support with &)
    # global_message - Send message to all players and console (colour support with &)
    # console_message - Send message to console (colour support with &)
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Алмазная руда:
# Define your protection block below
# Use block type from here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If you want to use player heads, you can use "PLAYER_HEAD:player_name" (ex. "PLAYER_HEAD:Notch")
# To use custom player heads, you need the base64 value of the head. On minecraft-heads.com, you will find this value in the Other section under "Value:".
# To use UUIDs for player heads, go to https://sessionserver.mojang.com/session/minecraft/profile/PUT-UUID-HERE and copy the value from the "value" field not including quotes.
# When you have the value, you can set the type to "PLAYER_HEAD:value"
type = "DIAMOND_ORE"
# Another way to refer to the protection stone
# Can be used for /ps give and /ps get
# Must be one word (no spaces)
alias = "Большой-приват"
# Description of the protection block type
# Shows up in /ps get menu
description = "15 block radius protection zone."
# Whether or not to restrict obtaining of the protection stone to only /ps get and /ps give and custom crafting recipes.
# Other ways to obtain this block (ex. mining) will not work as a protection stone.
# Useful to allow the protection block to only be obtained from a shop or command.
# Set to "false" if you want to allow players to obtain a protection stone naturally
restrict_obtaining = false
# Enable or disable the use of this protection stone in specific worlds
# "blacklist" mode prevents this protect block from being used in the worlds in "worlds"
# "whitelist" mode allows this protect block to only be used in the worlds in "worlds"
# Can be overriden with protectionstones.admin permission (including OP)!
world_list_type = "blacklist"
worlds = ["exampleworld1", "exampleworld2"]
# Whether or not to actually restrict the protection stone from being placed when the world is restricted (in blacklist/whitelist)
# The block will place normally, without PS behaviour.
prevent_block_place_in_restricted_world = true
# Whether or not to allow the block to be placed in the wild.
# If set to false, the protection block can only be placed in existing regions.
allow_placing_in_wild = true
# Whether or not to allow the block to bypass the WorldGuard passthrough flag.
# This allows the protection block to be placed even if WorldGuard prevents block placing in the wild.
placing_bypasses_wg_passthrough = true

    # Minimum distance between claims (that aren't owned by the same owner), measured from the protection block to the edge of another region
    # You will probably have to change this between blocks, since the region sizes will be different
    # Set to -1 for no minimum, but will still check for overlapping regions
    distance_between_claims = -1
    # Protection radius of block (radius of 64 -> 129 x 129 region)
    # Set y_radius to -1 if you want it to protect for all y levels.
    # y_radius must be -1 if you are allowing the region to be merged ("allow_merging" option)
    x_radius = 15
    y_radius = 15
    z_radius = 15
    # Enables "chunk snapping mode", where the region boundaries will be determined by the chunk the block is in, and the
    # chunk_radius (how many chunks away from the center chunk).
    # Allows players to not have to worry about the exact placement of their block, and removes the issue of messy overlapping
    # regions (as they all conform to chunk boundaries).
    # Set to -1 to disable, and any number larger than or equal to 1 to enable.
    # Note: If enabled, x_radius and z_radius will be ignored!
    chunk_radius = -1
    # How many blocks to offset the default location of /ps home from the protection block
    home_x_offset = 0.0
    home_y_offset = 1.0
    home_z_offset = 0.0
    # Specify the default flags to be set when a new protected region is created.
    # Can use -g [group] before the flag to set group flags (ex. -g members pvp deny).
    # Can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders in string flags (ex. greeting, farewell).
    flags = ["pvp allow", "tnt allow", "greeting §x§0§8§4§C§F§B§lР§x§2§4§6§8§F§B§lе§x§3§F§8§4§F§C§lг§x§5§B§A§0§F§C§lи§x§7§6§B§B§F§C§lо§x§9§2§D§7§F§D§lн§x§A§D§F§3§F§D§lы &7┃&f Вторжение в регион &fигрока &b%player%", "farewell §x§0§8§4§C§F§B§lР§x§2§4§6§8§F§B§lе§x§3§F§8§4§F§C§lг§x§5§B§A§0§F§C§lи§x§7§6§B§B§F§C§lо§x§9§2§D§7§F§D§lн§x§A§D§F§3§F§D§lы &7┃&f Выход из региона игрока &b%player%", "greeting-action &f Вторжение в регион игрока &b%player%", "farewell-action &f Выход из региона игрока &b%player%", "creeper-explosion deny", "wither-damage deny", "ghast-fireball deny"]
    # List all the flags that can be set by region owners.
    # If you want to whitelist the groups that can be set as well, use -g (ex. "-g all,members pvp" restricts it to no group flag, and members group)
    # "-g all pvp" - Prevents players setting the group to nonmembers, and being invulnerable to attacks.
    allowed_flags = ["-g all pvp", "greeting", "greeting-title", "greeting-action", "farewell", "farewell-title", "farewell-action", "mob-spawning", "creeper-explosion", "wither-damage", "ghast-fireball"]
    # Which flags to hide from /ps info
    hidden_flags_from_info = ["ps-name", "ps-merged-regions", "ps-merged-regions-types", "ps-block-material", "ps-price", "ps-landlord", "ps-tenant", "ps-rent-period", "ps-rent-last-paid", "ps-for-sale", "ps-rent-settings", "ps-tax-payments-due", "ps-tax-last-payment-added", "ps-tax-autopayer"]
    # Default priority type for this block type protection stone
    priority = 0
    # Whether or not to allow creation of regions that overlap other regions you don't own
    # This is dangerous, so think about this carefully if you set it to true.
    allow_overlap_unowned_regions = false
    # Whether or not to allow players to create other regions that overlap this region.
    # "owner" - only allow owners to overlap this (default)
    # "member" - allow members and owners to overlap this region type. (useful for city plots)
    # "all" - allow all players to overlap this region type.
    # "none" - no players, not even the owners of the region can overlap it
    # allow_overlap_unowned_regions does not need to be true for this to work.
    allow_other_regions_to_overlap = "owner"
    # Whether or not to allow this regions created with this block to merge with other regions
    # allow_merging_regions must be set to true in config.toml
    allow_merging = true
    # Allowed types of regions to merge into (referred to by alias)
    # Be sure to add the alias of this current region type to allow merging with it ex. ["64"]
    # Add "all" if you want to allow this region to merge into any region
    allowed_merging_into_types = ["all"]
    # Offset the protection block
    # If you would like to make the protection block not be at the center of new regions, you can offset it here
    # ex. x_offset = 64, y_offset = 0, z_offset = 64 would make it at the corner of a created region
    x_offset = 0
    y_offset = 0
    z_offset = 0

    # Name given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
    # Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
    # Leave as '' for no name
    display_name = ""
    # Lore given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
    # Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
    # Leave as [] for no lore
    lore = [""]
    # Whether the item should have an "glow/enchant" effect look when in a player's inventory.
    enchanted_effect = false
    # Add price when using /ps get
    # Must have compatible economy plugin (requires Vault, ie. Essentials)
    # Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
    price = 0.0
    # Whether or not to allow crafting this item using a custom recipe
    # Useful to allow crafting the item when restrict_obtaining is set to true
    allow_craft_with_custom_recipe = false
    # Specify the custom crafting recipe below
    # You must fill the item spots with names from here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
    # You can also use other protection stone items as ingredients in the recipe, in the format PROTECTION_STONES:alias
    # Make sure that you set allow_use_in_crafting for that block to true, or else you can't use it in crafting
    # If you want air, you can just leave the spot as ""
    custom_recipe = [["", "STONE", ""], ["STONE", "EMERALD", "STONE"], ["", "STONE", ""]]
    # Amount of the protection item to give when crafted
    recipe_amount = 1
    # The custom model data of the block item, useful for resource packs. Set to -1 to disable.
    custom_model_data = -1

    # Taxes must be enabled in config.toml first (tax_enabled)
    # The amount to tax the region per tax cycle.
    # Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
    tax_amount = 0.0
    # The amount of seconds between tax cycles. Set to -1 to disable taxes.
    tax_period = -1
    # Amount of time to pay taxes in seconds after tax cycle before there is punishment.
    tax_payment_time = 86400
    # Automatically set the player that created the region as the taxpayer.
    start_with_tax_autopay = true
    # What role tenants should be added as (for rents). It can either be "owner" or "member".
    tenant_rent_role = "member"
    # Should the landlords of rented out regions still be an owner while it is rented out?
    landlord_still_owner = false

    # Hide protection stone right away when placed?
    auto_hide = false
    # Whether or not to automatically merge into other regions when placed if there is only one overlapping and allow_merging is true
    auto_merge = false
    # Disable returning the block when removed/unclaimed?
    no_drop = false
    # Prevents piston pushing of the block. Recommended to keep as true.
    prevent_piston_push = true
    # Prevents the block from being destroyed when exploded.
    # Recommended to keep true to prevent players from exploiting more protection stones with /ps unhide (when the block is destroyed)
    prevent_explode = true
    # Destroys the protection stone region when block is exploded. Can be useful for PVP/Factions servers.
    # prevent_explode must be false for this to work.
    destroy_region_when_explode = false
    # Silk Touch: if true, ore-blocks that are also configured by ProtectionStones will disallow Silk Touch drops
    # This was the old behaviour to prevent natural obtaining of the protection stone.
    # Recommended to keep false if "Restrict Obtaining" (the new way) is true
    prevent_silk_touch = false
    # Set cost for when a protection block is placed (separate from /ps get cost)
    cost_to_place = 0.0
    # Allow protect block item to be smelt in furnaces
    allow_smelt_item = false
    # Allows the protection block to be used in crafting recipes
    # You may want it set to false to prevent players decomposing its elements
    allow_use_in_crafting = true

    # Whether or not to allow breaking the protection block with a shift-right click
    # Useful if the protection block is unbreakable (bedrock, command block), etc.
    allow_shift_right_break = false
    # Whether or not to prevent teleporting into a protected region if the player doesn't own it (except with ender pearl and chorus fruit)
    # Does not prevent entry, use the flag "entry deny" for preventing entry.
    # Bypass with protectionstones.tp.bypassprevent
    prevent_teleport_in = false
    # Can't move for x seconds before teleporting with /ps home or /ps tp. Can be disabled with 0.
    # Option to teleport only if player stands still.
    # Can override with permission protectionstones.tp.bypasswait
    no_moving_when_tp_waiting = true
    tp_waiting_seconds = 0
    # Whether or not to prevent obtaining this block through /ps get.
    # Ignored with protectionstones.admin
    prevent_ps_get = false
    # Whether or not to prevent this region type from showing up in /ps home, and allowing teleport.
    # Note: admins can still use /ps tp to this region type
    prevent_ps_home = false
    # Extra permission required to place this specific protection block (you still need protectionstones.create)
    # Also applies to /ps get (you still need protectionstones.get)
    # '' for no extra permission
    permission = ""

    # Events section
    # [CODE]~~~~~~~~~~~
    # For each line on events, it is the format 'type: action'
    # The following are accepted types:
    # player_command - Execute command by player that caused event (won't execute if not applicable)
    # console_command - Execute command by console
    # message - Send message to player or console if applicable (colour support with &)
    # global_message - Send message to all players and console (colour support with &)
    # console_message - Send message to console (colour support with &)
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • _Dead_
  • Жiнка з ароматом пива, шкiра снiжного кальвiна.
  • 136
1. Полагаю нужно будет немного переписать исходный код ProtectionStones под вашу задачу
2. Вам нужно настроить соответствующий флаг в WorldGuard. Так как PSAddon добавляет дополнительные функции к WorldGuard
/ps flag <название региона> explosions allow
3. Попробуйте найти аддон который сможет реализовать подобное, я не смог исходя из ваших конфигов увидеть подобную возможность.
Насчёт 1, думаете что на каждом сервере немного переписан исходный код ProtectionStones ?
Но, спасибо за ответ, а то второй день голову мучаю и думал я туп.
Может кто-то найдется тот кто в этом понимает, и у него всё работает как нужно.
  • _Dead_
  • Жiнка з ароматом пива, шкiра снiжного кальвiна.
  • 136
@makakakaa2001, Так же обнаружил что можно выполнить изменения в секции [behaviour]

Вы можете установить параметр destroy_region_when_explode в значение true. Это приведет к тому, что при взрыве привата его область будет уничтожена, и блок, который делает приват, будет удален, но не будет дропнут как блок без свойств

Но если вы видели подобные реализации на других серверах, полагаю это могло быть дополнение для ProtectionStones
вот тебе конфиг самого ProtectionStones: (может тут что надо)

# Please do not change the config version unless you know what you are doing!
config_version = 16
uuidupdated = true
region_negative_min_max_updated = true

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Protection Stones Config
# Block configs have been moved to the blocks folder.
# To make new blocks, copy the default "block1.toml" and make another file (ex. "block2.toml")
# Does your config look messy? It's probably because of gradual config updates. Consider using the default configs.
# If you need the default configs again, you can get it from here: https://github.com/espidev/ProtectionStones/tree/master/src/main/resources
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Cooldown between placing protection blocks (in seconds). -1 to disable.
placing_cooldown = -1

# Set to true to not block server startup for loading the UUID cache.
# /ps add and /ps remove will not work for offline players until the cache is finished loading.
async_load_uuid_cache = false

# Whether or not to allow regions to have identical names (from /ps name).
# If this is set to true, players will have to use numbers after the name if they encounter duplicates.
allow_duplicate_region_names = false

# Time in seconds between /ps view attempts.
# Can prevent lag from spamming the command.
ps_view_cooldown = 3

# Base command for protection stones (change if conflicting with other commands)
base_command = "ps"

# Aliases for the command
aliases = [

# Whether or not to drop items on the ground if the inventory is full (ex. during /ps unclaim)
# If set to false, the event will be prevented from happening, and say that inventory is full
drop_item_when_inventory_full = true

# Whether or not regions placed have to be either next to or overlapping existing regions the player already owns.
# This can make the world cleaner and have less scattered regions.
# Set the number of regions of non-adjacent regions with the permission protectionstones.adjacent.x (default is 1, -1 to bypass)
# Also can bypass with protectionstones.admin
regions_must_be_adjacent = false

# Whether or not to give players the option to merge new regions with ones they already own (overlapping)
# to create a new large region. Can merge any regions with protectionstones.admin
# Requires the permission protectionstones.merge to use (with /ps merge)
# NOTE: Due to the limitations of WorldGuard, merged regions will ignore y_radius and go from bedrock to sky
# since polygon regions can only be 2D, not 3D
allow_merging_regions = true

# Whether or not to allow merged regions to have holes in them (merging a bunch of regions in a circle with the inside not protected).
# This is only checked during the merge process, it will not unmerge regions with holes already.
allow_merging_holes = true

# Whether when players join, by default they have protection block placement toggled off (equivalent to running /ps toggle)
default_protection_block_placement_off = false

# If you do not have LuckPerms, ProtectionStones is unable to determine the limits of offline players (since it depends
# on permissions), and so it requires players to be online. Set this to true if your server does not need limits (and so
# the check is unnecessary).
allow_addowner_for_offline_players_without_lp = false

# Whether or not members of a region can /ps home to the region.
allow_home_teleport_for_members = true

    # Whether /ps admin cleanup remove should delete regions that have members, but don't have owners (after inactive
    # owners are removed).
    # Regions that have no owners or members will be deleted regardless.
    cleanup_delete_regions_with_members_but_no_owners = true

    # Set limits on the price for renting. Set to -1.0 to disable.
    max_rent_price = -1.0
    min_rent_price = 1.0

    # Set limits on the period between rent payments, in seconds (86400 seconds = 1 day). Set to -1 to disable.
    max_rent_period = -1
    min_rent_period = 1

    # Set taxes on regions.
    # Taxes are configured in each individual block config.
    # Whether or not to enable the tax command.
    # If you already have regions, you may want to set each one to have an autopayer (player that automatically pays taxes).
    # This can be done with /ps admin settaxautopayers, which updates every region on the server with an autopayer from their owners list.
    tax_enabled = false

    # Notify players of outstanding tax payments for the regions they own.
    tax_message_on_join = true
@_Dead_, а это как пофиксить, незнаешь? 1. При взрыве донат привата выпадает не сам дон рг, а просто блок его который не приватит.
  • _Dead_
  • Жiнка з ароматом пива, шкiра снiжного кальвiна.
  • 136
@makakakaa2001, Попробуйте установить значение prevent_explode в false в донат регионе
После чего обязательно перезапустить сервер и создать новый донат регион разрушив его
1. Полагаю нужно будет немного переписать исходный код ProtectionStones под вашу задачу
2. Вам нужно настроить соответствующий флаг в WorldGuard. Так как PSAddon добавляет дополнительные функции к WorldGuard
/ps flag <название региона> explosions allow
3. Попробуйте найти аддон который сможет реализовать подобное, я не смог исходя из ваших конфигов увидеть подобную возможность.
Но поиском пробил незерит блок в этой теме где prevent_explode = true
Но поиском пробил незерит блок в этой теме где prevent_explode = true
не работает
# Define your protection block below
# Use block type from here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If you want to use player heads, you can use "PLAYER_HEAD:player_name" (ex. "PLAYER_HEAD:Notch")
# To use custom player heads, you need the base64 value of the head. On minecraft-heads.com, you will find this value in the Other section under "Value:".
# To use UUIDs for player heads, go to https://sessionserver.mojang.com/session/minecraft/profile/PUT-UUID-HERE and copy the value from the "value" field not including quotes.
# When you have the value, you can set the type to "PLAYER_HEAD:value"

# Another way to refer to the protection stone
# Can be used for /ps give and /ps get
# Must be one word (no spaces)
alias = "64"

# Description of the protection block type
# Shows up in /ps get menu
description = "64 block radius protection zone."

# Whether or not to restrict obtaining of the protection stone to only /ps get and /ps give and custom crafting recipes.
# Other ways to obtain this block (ex. mining) will not work as a protection stone.
# Useful to allow the protection block to only be obtained from a shop or command.
# Set to "false" if you want to allow players to obtain a protection stone naturally
restrict_obtaining = false

# Enable or disable the use of this protection stone in specific worlds
# "blacklist" mode prevents this protect block from being used in the worlds in "worlds"
# "whitelist" mode allows this protect block to only be used in the worlds in "worlds"
# Can be overriden with protectionstones.admin permission (including OP)!
world_list_type = "blacklist"
worlds = [

# Whether or not to actually restrict the protection stone from being placed when the world is restricted (in blacklist/whitelist)
# The block will place normally, without PS behaviour.
prevent_block_place_in_restricted_world = true

# Whether or not to allow the block to be placed in the wild.
# If set to false, the protection block can only be placed in existing regions.
allow_placing_in_wild = true

# Minimum distance between claims (that aren't owned by the same owner), measured from the protection block to the edge of another region
# You will probably have to change this between blocks, since the region sizes will be different
# Set to -1 for no minimum, but will still check for overlapping regions
distance_between_claims = -1

# Protection radius of block (radius of 64 -> 129 x 129 region)
# Set y_radius to -1 if you want it to protect from sky to bedrock. If this doesn't appear to work set it to 256.
# y_radius must be -1 if you are allowing the region to be merged ("allow_merging" option)
x_radius = 12
y_radius = 12
z_radius = 12

# Offset the protection block
# If you would like to make the protection block not be at the center of new regions, you can offset it here
# ex. x_offset = 64, y_offset = 0, z_offset = 64 would make it at the corner of a created region
x_offset = 0
y_offset = 0
z_offset = 0

# How many blocks to offset the default location of /ps home from the protection block
home_x_offset = 0.0
home_y_offset = 1.0
home_z_offset = 0.0

# Specify the default flags to be set when a new protected region is created.
# Can use -g [group] before the flag to set group flags (ex. -g members pvp deny).
# Can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders in string flags (ex. greeting, farewell).
flags = [
"pvp allow",
"tnt allow",
"greeting &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"farewell &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"greeting-action &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"farewell-action &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"creeper-explosion deny",
"wither-damage deny",
"ghast-fireball deny",

# List all the flags that can be set by region owners.
# If you want to whitelist the groups that can be set as well, use -g (ex. "-g all,members pvp" restricts it to no group flag, and members group)
# "-g all pvp" - Prevents players setting the group to nonmembers, and being invulnerable to attacks.
allowed_flags = [
"-g all pvp",

# Which flags to hide from /ps info
hidden_flags_from_info = [

# Default priority type for this block type protection stone
priority = 0

# Whether or not to allow creation of regions that overlap other regions you don't own
# This is dangerous, so think about this carefully if you set it to true.
allow_overlap_unowned_regions = false

# Whether or not to allow players to create other regions that overlap this region.
# "owner" - only allow owners to overlap this (default)
# "member" - allow members and owners to overlap this region type. (useful for city plots)
# "all" - allow all players to overlap this region type.
# "none" - no players, not even the owners of the region can overlap it
# allow_overlap_unowned_regions does not need to be true for this to work.
allow_other_regions_to_overlap = "owner"

# Whether or not to allow this regions created with this block to merge with other regions
# allow_merging_regions must be set to true in config.toml
allow_merging = true

# Allowed types of regions to merge into (referred to by alias)
# Be sure to add the alias of this current region type to allow merging with it ex. ["64"]
# Add "all" if you want to allow this region to merge into any region
allowed_merging_into_types = [

# Name given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
# Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
# Leave as '' for no name
display_name = "&a&m<---&r&b 64 Radius Protection Block &r&a&m--->"

# Lore given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
# Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
# Leave as [] for no lore
lore = [
"&6(⌐■_■)ノ♪ Nobody's going to touch my stuff!",

# Add price when using /ps get
# Must have compatible economy plugin (requires Vault, ie. Essentials)
# Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
price = 0.0

# Whether or not to allow crafting this item using a custom recipe
# Useful to allow crafting the item when restrict_obtaining is set to true
allow_craft_with_custom_recipe = false
# Specify the custom crafting recipe below
# You must fill the item spots with names from here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# You can also use other protection stone items as ingredients in the recipe, in the format PROTECTION_STONES:alias
# Make sure that you set allow_use_in_crafting for that block to true, or else you can't use it in crafting
# If you want air, you can just leave the spot as ""
custom_recipe = [
["", "STONE", ""],
["", "STONE", ""]
# Amount of the protection item to give when crafted
recipe_amount = 1

# Taxes must be enabled in config.toml first (tax_enabled)
# The amount to tax the region per tax cycle.
# Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
tax_amount = 0.0

# The amount of seconds between tax cycles. Set to -1 to disable taxes.
tax_period = -1

# Amount of time to pay taxes in seconds after tax cycle before there is punishment.
tax_payment_time = 86400

# Automatically set the player that created the region as the taxpayer.
start_with_tax_autopay = true

# What role tenants should be added as (for rents). It can either be "owner" or "member".
tenant_rent_role = "member"

# Should the landlords of rented out regions still be an owner while it is rented out?
landlord_still_owner = true

# Hide protection stone right away when placed?
auto_hide = false

# Whether or not to automatically merge into other regions when placed if there is only one overlapping and allow_merging is true
auto_merge = false

# Disable returning the block when removed/unclaimed?
no_drop = false

# Prevents piston pushing of the block. Recommended to keep as true.
prevent_piston_push = true

# Prevents the block from being destroyed when exploded.
# Recommended to keep true to prevent players from exploiting more protection stones with /ps unhide (when the block is destroyed)
prevent_explode = true

# Destroys the protection stone region when block is exploded. Can be useful for PVP/Factions servers.
# prevent_explode must be false for this to work.
destroy_region_when_explode = true

# Silk Touch: if true, ore-blocks that are also configured by ProtectionStones will disallow Silk Touch drops
# This was the old behaviour to prevent natural obtaining of the protection stone.
# Recommended to keep false if "Restrict Obtaining" (the new way) is truexx
prevent_silk_touch = false

# Set cost for when a protection block is placed (separate from /ps get cost)
cost_to_place = 0.0

# Allow protect block item to be smelt in furnaces
allow_smelt_item = false

# Allows the protection block to be used in crafting recipes
# You may want it set to false to prevent players decomposing its elements
allow_use_in_crafting = false

# Whether or not to allow breaking the protection block with a shift-right click
# Useful if the protection block is unbreakable (bedrock, command block), etc.
allow_shift_right_break = false

# Whether or not to prevent teleporting into a protected region if the player doesn't own it (except with ender pearl and chorus fruit)
# Does not prevent entry, use the flag "entry deny" for preventing entry.
# Bypass with protectionstones.tp.bypassprevent
prevent_teleport_in = false

# Can't move for x seconds before teleporting with /ps home or /ps tp. Can be disabled with 0.
# Option to teleport only if player stands still.
# Can override with permission protectionstones.tp.bypasswait
no_moving_when_tp_waiting = true
tp_waiting_seconds = 0

# Whether or not to prevent obtaining this block through /ps get.
# Ignored with protectionstones.admin
prevent_ps_get = false

# Whether or not to prevent this region type from showing up in /ps home, and allowing teleport.
# Note: admins can still use /ps tp to this region type
prevent_ps_home = false

# Extra permission required to place this specific protection block (you still need protectionstones.create)
# Also applies to /ps get (you still need protectionstones.get)
# '' for no extra permission
permission = ''


# Events section
    # For each line on events, it is the format 'type: action'
    # The following are accepted types:
    # player_command - Execute command by player that caused event (won't execute if not applicable)
    # console_command - Execute command by console
    # message - Send message to player or console if applicable (colour support with &)
    # global_message - Send message to all players and console (colour support with &)
    # console_message - Send message to console (colour support with &)
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Whether or not to enable event tracking (API events will still be enabled)
enable = false

# Execute commands when a region is created (ex. player place protection block)
# Variables: %player%, %world%, %region%, %block_x%, %block_y%, %block_z%
on_region_create = [
'global_message: &l%player% created the region %region%!',

# Execute commands when a region is destroyed (ex. when player destroy protection block)
# Variables: %player%, %world%, %region%, %block_x%, %block_y%, %block_z%
on_region_destroy = [
'console_command: say %player% has destroyed region %region%!',
@makakakaa2001, Так же обнаружил что можно выполнить изменения в секции [behaviour]

Вы можете установить параметр destroy_region_when_explode в значение true. Это приведет к тому, что при взрыве привата его область будет уничтожена, и блок, который делает приват, будет удален, но не будет дропнут как блок без свойств

Но если вы видели подобные реализации на других серверах, полагаю это могло быть дополнение для ProtectionStones
как сделать чтобы приват удалялся от кстмнового тнт