Вы используете устаревший браузер. Этот и другие сайты могут отображаться в нем неправильно. Необходимо обновить браузер или попробовать использовать другой.
Добавлена встроенная поддержка Pl3xMap — теперь скрытые игроки не отображаются на онлайн-карте.
Настройка включается через параметр HookOptions>EnablePl3xMapHook в config.yml. При необходимости можно отключить, скопировав параметр из дефолтного config.yml и установив значение false.
As always, please be sure to use the latest ProtocolLib dev build.
Improvements to API
Added Velocity-sided VelocityPlayerHideEvent and VelocityPlayerShowEvent
Improvements to make BungeePlayerHide/ShowEvent more reliable (less reliant on bungee plugin messaging channel)
Added Velocitab support
Vanished players are now hidden in Velocitab tablists
Full support for layered permissions
Important: "enable_relational_placeholders" needs to be set to true in Velocitab's config file. This setting is required for Velocitab's vanish API to work.
Further requirements: PV's Velocity extension needs to be connected to the same MySQL database as the PV instances on your Spigot servers. Furthermore, a working permissions setup is required on Velocity and Spigot (usually this means installing LuckPerms, etc on Velocity and Spigot and connecting it to the same DB)
Note regarding playercount placeholders and prefixes/suffixes: PV can not subtract vanished players from built-in placeholders due to API limitations. However, PremiumVanish's PlaceholderAPI placeholders can theoretically be used in the Velocitab config files (See Velocitab wiki notes regarding PlaceholderAPI support).
Recommended PlaceholderAPI placeholders: %premiumvanish_bungeeplayercount% (Works on Velocity) %premiumvanish_vanishprefix% / %premiumvanish_vanishsuffix% (To get a [V] prefix/suffix only when the player is vanished.) The "placeholder_update_rate" may need to be adjusted in the Velocitab config. Honestly, I have had little luck with getting Velocitab's PlaceholderAPI extension plugin to work, it may need to be fixed by the author.
Support for the TPS placeholder in the scoreboard on 1.21.4 when using standard (non-paper) spigot.