Gold Плагин Crucible or MythicCrucible DEV BUILDS [2.2.0 SNAPSHOT 3981]

  • Fixed NPE in BrewingEventListeners caused by DeluxeMenus
Generate pack using MythicHud/built-pack/assets for MH v1.2.0

Parse held weapon after applying augments
Fixed furniture default state not working with item models

Added /crucible furniture repair command to repair/convert any loaded furniture with broken items
+ Fixed onInteract furniture skills not being cancellable
  • Лайк 0
Реакции:1 пользователя
  • Добавлена поддержка триггера ItemDrop.
  • Добавлен плейсхолдер block-internalid для навыков при установке/разрушении кастомных блоков.
  • Fixed NPE in <caster.item.nbt> placeholder
Make sure MEG furniture models save
Fixed height/ascent of -1 not working when generating font glyphs
+ Added SetItemCustomModelData mechanic
+ Fixed furniture inventory not using defined item amounts
+ Fixed setItemDisplay mechanic not being usable by non-players
+ Added Orientation option to furniture for use with the Placement: ANY option, can be STATIC or ATTACHED
+ Added Furniture.Type: MEG and Furniture.Model, needs testing
  • Add ~onBreak trigger for items, only a player can trigger this
  • Удалено отладочное сообщение об обновлении предмета