Сборки серверов


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Помощь Проблема с Velocity

При подключении игрока на сервер Velocity ему пишет: "Отключение", после чего ему надо 1-3 раза перезайти для захода на сам сервер, как пофиксить ошибку?

[17:58:36 ERROR]: [connected player] dabbackwood (/ read timed out - Вот что пишет в консоли при надписи: "Отключение"
  • _Dead_
  • Жiнка з ароматом пива, шкiра снiжного кальвiна.
  • 131
@ColdAsWinter, "read timed out" - сервер не может связаться с клиентом (игроком) в установленное время и закрывает соединение.
Вероятно стоит увеличить выделенную оперативную память, информации крайне мало...
# Config version. Do not change this
config-version = "2.6"
# What port should the proxy be bound to? By default, we'll bind to all addresses on port .
bind = "ненадо знать"
# What should be the MOTD? This gets displayed when the player adds your server to
# their server list. Only MiniMessage format is accepted.
motd = ""
# What should we display for the maximum number of players? (Velocity does not support a cap
# on the number of players online.)
show-max-players = 250
# Should we authenticate players with Mojang? By default, this is on.
online-mode = false
# If client's ISP/AS sent from this proxy is different from the one from Mojang's
# authentication server, the player is kicked. This disallows some VPN and proxy
# connections but is a weak form of protection.
prevent-client-proxy-connections = false
# Should we forward IP addresses and other data to backend servers?
# Available options:
# - "none": No forwarding will be done. All players will appear to be connecting
# from the proxy and will have offline-mode UUIDs.
# - "legacy": Forward player IPs and UUIDs in a BungeeCord-compatible format. Use this
# if you run servers using Minecraft 1.12 or lower.
# - "bungeeguard": Forward player IPs and UUIDs in a format supported by the BungeeGuard
# plugin. Use this if you run servers using Minecraft 1.12 or lower, and are
# unable to implement network level firewalling (on a shared host).
# - "modern": Forward player IPs and UUIDs as part of the login process using
# Velocity's native forwarding. Only applicable for Minecraft 1.13 or higher.
player-info-forwarding-mode = "modern"
# If you are using modern or BungeeGuard IP forwarding, configure a unique secret here.
forwarding-secret = "Ненадо знать"
# Announce whether or not your server supports Forge. If you run a modded server, we
# suggest turning this on.
# If your network runs one modpack consistently, consider using ping-passthrough = "mods"
# instead for a nicer display in the server list.
announce-forge = false
# If enabled (default is false) and the proxy is in online mode, Velocity will kick
# any existing player who is online if a duplicate connection attempt is made.
kick-existing-players = true
# Should Velocity pass server list ping requests to a backend server?
# Available options:
# - "disabled": No pass-through will be done. The velocity.toml and server-icon.png
# will determine the initial server list ping response.
# - "mods": Passes only the mod list from your backend server into the response.
# The first server in your try list (or forced host) with a mod list will be
# used. If no backend servers can be contacted, Velocity won't display any
# mod information.
# - "description": Uses the description and mod list from the backend server. The first
# server in the try (or forced host) list that responds is used for the
# description and mod list.
# - "all": Uses the backend server's response as the proxy response. The Velocity
# configuration is used if no servers could be contacted.
ping-passthrough = "DISABLED"
#Should the proxy enforce the new public key security standard? By default, this is on.
force-key-authentication = true
lobby = "ненадо знать"
anarchy = "ненадо знать"
try = ["lobby"]


# Specify a custom timeout for connection timeouts here. The default is five seconds.
connection-timeout = 5000
# Enables BungeeCord plugin messaging channel support on Velocity.
bungee-plugin-message-channel = true
# Specify a read timeout for connections here. The default is 30 seconds.
read-timeout = 15000
# Enables TCP fast open support on the proxy. Requires the proxy to run on Linux.
tcp-fast-open = false
# Shows ping requests to the proxy from clients.
show-ping-requests = false
# By default, Velocity will attempt to gracefully handle situations where the user unexpectedly
# loses connection to the server without an explicit disconnect message by attempting to fall the
# user back, except in the case of read timeouts. BungeeCord will disconnect the user instead. You
# can disable this setting to use the BungeeCord behavior.
failover-on-unexpected-server-disconnect = true
# How much compression should be done (from 0-9). The default is -1, which uses the
# default level of 6.
compression-level = 6
# Declares the proxy commands to 1.13+ clients.
announce-proxy-commands = true
# Enables compatibility with HAProxy's PROXY protocol. If you don't know what this is for, then
# don't enable it.
haproxy-protocol = false
# Enables the logging of commands
log-command-executions = false
# How large a Minecraft packet has to be before we compress it. Setting this to zero will
# compress all packets, and setting it to -1 will disable compression entirely.
compression-threshold = 10
# How fast (in milliseconds) are clients allowed to connect after the last connection? By
# default, this is three seconds. Disable this by setting this to 0.
login-ratelimit = 3000

# If query is enabled, on what port should the query protocol listen on?
port = 25565
show-plugins = false
# This is the map name that is reported to the query services.
map = "Proxy"
# Whether to enable responding to GameSpy 4 query responses or not.
enabled = false
[18:43:23 ERROR]: Couldn't pass PreLoginEvent to limboauth
com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 6 path $
at com.google.gson.JsonParser.parseReader(JsonParser.java:76) ~[paper.jar:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-8891faa5-b370)]
at com.google.gson.JsonParser.parseString(JsonParser.java:51) ~[paper.jar:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-8891faa5-b370)]
at net.elytrium.limboauth.LimboAuth.isPremiumExternal(LimboAuth.java:713) ~[?:?]
at net.elytrium.limboauth.LimboAuth.checkIsPremiumAndCache(LimboAuth.java:793) ~[?:?]
at net.elytrium.limboauth.LimboAuth.isPremium(LimboAuth.java:855) ~[?:?]
at net.elytrium.limboauth.listener.AuthListener.onPreLoginEvent(AuthListener.java:60) ~[?:?]
at net.elytrium.limboauth.listener.Lmbda$28.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at com.velocitypowered.proxy.event.UntargetedEventHandler$VoidHandler.lambda$buildHandler$0(UntargetedEventHandler.java:56) ~[paper.jar:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-8891faa5-b370)]
at com.velocitypowered.proxy.event.VelocityEventManager.fire(VelocityEventManager.java:597) ~[paper.jar:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-8891faa5-b370)]
at com.velocitypowered.proxy.event.VelocityEventManager.lambda$fire$5(VelocityEventManager.java:478) ~[paper.jar:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-8891faa5-b370)]
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1136) ~[?:?]
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:635) ~[?:?]
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840) [?:?]
Caused by: com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 6 path $
at com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader.syntaxError(JsonReader.java:1659) ~[paper.jar:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-8891faa5-b370)]
at com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader.checkLenient(JsonReader.java:1465) ~[paper.jar:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-8891faa5-b370)]
at com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader.doPeek(JsonReader.java:551) ~[paper.jar:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-8891faa5-b370)]
at com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader.peek(JsonReader.java:433) ~[paper.jar:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-8891faa5-b370)]
at com.google.gson.JsonParser.parseReader(JsonParser.java:71) ~[paper.jar:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-8891faa5-b370)]
... 12 more
  • _Dead_
  • Жiнка з ароматом пива, шкiра снiжного кальвiна.
  • 131
Конфигурация выглядит в целом корректно, но для устранения проблемы с таймаутами можно попробовать внести следующие изменения:

  1. Увеличить значение read-timeout: Установите более высокое значение для параметра read-timeout в разделе [advanced]. Например, установите его равным 30000 (30 секундам) вместо текущих 15000 (15 секунд).

  2. Проверить настройки соединения: Проверьте, что параметры connection-timeout и read-timeout установлены на серверах также подходят для вашей среды. Например, убедитесь, что сервера, к которым вы подключаетесь, способны обрабатывать запросы за такое же время, как указано в настройках Velocity.

    Попробуйте внести эти изменения и перезапустить сервер Velocity
  • _Dead_
  • Жiнка з ароматом пива, шкiра снiжного кальвiна.
  • 131
Из стека вызовов, проблема возникает в классе LimboAuth при попытке разобрать JSON строку.

Вот что является основной причиной ошибки:
com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Use


Похоже, что в вашем JSON есть какая-то проблема, и библиотека Gson не может его правильно разобрать.
version: "1.1.14-SNAPSHOT (git-4023a45)"
# Available serializers:
# LEGACY_AMPERSAND - "&c&lExample &c&9Text".
# LEGACY_SECTION - "§c§lExample §c§9Text".
# MINIMESSAGE - "<bold><red>Example</red> <blue>Text</blue></bold>". (MiniMessageViewer)
# GSON - "[{"text":"Example","bold":true,"color":"red"},{"text":" ","bold":true},{"text":"Text","bold":true,"color":"blue"}]". (JSON Text Generator)
# GSON_COLOR_DOWNSAMPLING - Same as GSON, but uses downsampling.
prefix: "&#1488CCᴀ&#1681CAᴜ&#187AC8ᴛ&#1A73C6ʜ&#1C6BC3ᴏ&#1E64C1ʀ&#205DBFɪ&#2156BDᴢ&#234FBBᴀ&#2548B9ᴛ&#2740B6ɪ&#2939B4ᴏ&#2B32B2ɴ &7»&f"

# Don't use \n, use {NL} for new line, and {PRFX} for prefix.
# Maximum time for player to authenticate in milliseconds. If the player stays on the auth limbo for longer than this time, then the player will be kicked.
auth-time: 480000
enable-bossbar: true
bossbar-color: YELLOW
# Available overlays: PROGRESS, NOTCHED_6, NOTCHED_10, NOTCHED_12, NOTCHED_20
bossbar-overlay: PROGRESS
min-password-length: 4
# Max password length for the BCrypt hashing algorithm, which is used in this plugin, can't be higher than 71. You can set a lower value than 71.
max-password-length: 71
check-password-strength: true
unsafe-passwords-file: "unsafe_passwords.txt"
# Players with premium nicknames should register/auth if this option is enabled
# Players with premium nicknames must login with a premium Minecraft account if this option is disabled
online-mode-need-auth: true
# Needs floodgate plugin if disabled.
floodgate-need-auth: true
# TOTALLY disables hybrid auth feature
force-offline-mode: false
# Forces all players to get offline uuid
force-offline-uuid: false
# If enabled, the plugin will firstly check whether the player is premium through the local database, and secondly through Mojang API.
check-premium-priority-internal: true
# Delay in milliseconds before sending auth-confirming titles and messages to the player. (login-premium-title, login-floodgate, etc.)
premium-and-floodgate-messages-delay: 1250
# Forcibly set player's UUID to the value from the database
# If the player had the cracked account, and switched to the premium account, the cracked UUID will be used.
save-uuid: true
# Saves in the database the accounts of premium users whose login is via online-mode-need-auth: false
# Can be disabled to reduce the size of stored data in the database
save-premium-accounts: true
enable-totp: true
totp-need-password: true
register-need-repeat-password: true
change-password-need-old-password: true
# Used in unregister and premium commands.
confirm-keyword: "confirm"
# This prefix will be added to offline mode players nickname
offline-mode-prefix: ""
# This prefix will be added to online mode players nickname
online-mode-prefix: ""
# If you want to migrate your database from another plugin, which is not using BCrypt.
# You can set an old hash algorithm to migrate from.
# AUTHME - AuthMe SHA256(SHA256(password) + salt) that looks like $SHA$salt$hash (AuthMe, MoonVKAuth, DSKAuth, DBA)
# AUTHME_NP - AuthMe SHA256(SHA256(password) + salt) that looks like SHA$salt$hash (JPremium)
# SHA256_NP - SHA256(password) that looks like SHA$salt$hash
# SHA256_P - SHA256(password) that looks like $SHA$salt$hash
# SHA512_NP - SHA512(password) that looks like SHA$salt$hash
# SHA512_P - SHA512(password) that looks like $SHA$salt$hash
# SHA512_DBA - DBA plugin SHA512(SHA512(password) + salt) that looks like SHA$salt$hash (DBA, JPremium)
# MD5 - Basic md5 hash
# ARGON2 - Argon2 hash that looks like $argon2i$v=1234$m=1234,t=1234,p=1234$hash
# MOON_SHA256 - Moon SHA256(SHA256(password)) that looks like $SHA$hash (no salt)
# SHA256_NO_SALT - SHA256(password) that looks like $SHA$hash (NexAuth)
# SHA512_NO_SALT - SHA512(password) that looks like $SHA$hash (NexAuth)
# SHA512_P_REVERSED_HASH - SHA512(password) that looks like $SHA$hash$salt (nLogin)
# SHA512_NLOGIN - SHA512(SHA512(password) + salt) that looks like $SHA$hash$salt (nLogin)
# CRC32C - Basic CRC32C hash
# PLAINTEXT - Plain text
migration-hash: null
# Available dimensions: OVERWORLD, NETHER, THE_END
dimension: OVERWORLD
purge-cache-millis: 3600000
purge-premium-cache-millis: 28800000
purge-bruteforce-cache-millis: 28800000
# Used to ban IPs when a possible attacker incorrectly enters the password
bruteforce-max-attempts: 3
# QR Generator URL, set {data} placeholder
qr-generator-url: "https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?data={data}&size=200x200&ecc=M&margin=30"
totp-issuer: "Auth by demonulia"
bcrypt-cost: 10
login-attempts: 3
ip-limit-registrations: 3
totp-recovery-codes-amount: 16
# Time in milliseconds, when ip limit works, set to 0 for disable.
ip-limit-valid-time: 0
# Regex of allowed nicknames
# ^ means the start of the line, $ means the end of the line
# [A-Za-z0-9_] is a character set of A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and _
# {3,16} means that allowed length is from 3 to 16 chars
allowed-nickname-regex: "^[A-Za-z0-9_]{3,16}$"
load-world: true
# World file type:
# SCHEMATIC (MCEdit .schematic, 1.12.2 and lower, not recommended)
# STRUCTURE (structure block .nbt, any Minecraft version is supported, but the latest one is recommended).
# WORLDEDIT_SCHEM (WorldEdit .schem, any Minecraft version is supported, but the latest one is recommended).
world-file-type: WORLDEDIT_SCHEM
world-file-path: "lobby.schem"
disable-falling: true
# World time in ticks (24000 ticks == 1 in-game day)
world-ticks: 1000
# World light level (from 0 to 15)
world-light-level: 15
game-mode: ADVENTURE
# Custom isPremium URL
# You can use Mojang one's API (set by default)
# Or CloudFlare one's: https://api.ashcon.app/mojang/v2/user/%s
# Or use this code to make your own API: Minecraft API with Workers + CoffeeScript
# Or implement your own API, it should just respond with HTTP code 200 (see parameters below) only if the player is premium
ispremium-auth-url: "https://api.ashcon.app/mojang/v1/user/%s"
# Status codes (see the comment above)
# Responses with unlisted status codes will be identified as responses with a server error
# Set 200 if you use using Mojang or CloudFlare API
- 200
# Set 204 and 404 if you use Mojang API, 404 if you use CloudFlare API
- 204
- 404
# Set 429 if you use Mojang or CloudFlare API
- 429
# Sample Mojang API exists response: {"name":"hevav","id":"9c7024b2a48746b3b3934f397ae5d70f"}
# Sample CloudFlare API exists response: {"uuid":"9c7024b2a48746b3b3934f397ae5d70f","username":"hevav", ...}
# Sample Mojang API not exists response (sometimes can be empty): {"path":"/users/profiles/minecraft/someletters1234566","errorMessage":"Couldn't find any profile with that name"}
# Sample CloudFlare API not exists response: {"code":404,"error":"Not Found","reason":"No user with the name 'someletters123456' was found"}
# Responses with an invalid scheme will be identified as responses with a server error
# Set this parameter to [], to disable JSON scheme validation
- "name"
- "id"
json-uuid-field: "id"
user-not-exists-json-validator-fields: []
# If Mojang rate-limits your server, we cannot determine if the player is premium or not
# This option allows you to choose whether every player will be defined as premium or as cracked while Mojang is rate-limiting the server
# True - as premium; False - as cracked
on-rate-limit-premium: true
# If Mojang API is down, we cannot determine if the player is premium or not
# This option allows you to choose whether every player will be defined as premium or as cracked while Mojang API is unavailable
# True - as premium; False - as cracked
on-server-error-premium: true
- "/r"
- "/reg"
- "/register"
- "/l"
- "/log"
- "/login"
- "/2fa"
- "/totp"
# New players will be kicked with registrations-disabled-kick message
disable-registrations: false
# Implement the automatic login using the plugin, the LimboAuth client mod and optionally using a custom launcher
# See GitHub - Elytrium/LimboAuth-ClientMod: Implement auto-login with the LimboAuth plugin, the client mod and (optionally using) a custom launcher
enabled: true
# Should the plugin forbid logging in without a mod
login-only-by-mod: false
# The key must be the same in the plugin config and in the server hash issuer, if you use it
verify-key: "hJ8ulV9DYJuEXCgs83TPetlR"
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
x: 30.5
y: 21.0
z: 40.5
yaw: -90.0
pitch: 0.0
fade-in: 20
stay: 80
fade-out: 30
clear-after-login: false
fade-in: 10
stay: 70
fade-out: 20
# Available values: FALSE, TRUE, PERMISSION
# FALSE - the command will be disallowed
# TRUE - the command will be allowed if player has false permission state
# PERMISSION - the command will be allowed if player has true permission state
# Permission: limboauth.commands.changepassword
change-password: TRUE
# Permission: limboauth.commands.destroysession
destroy-session: PERMISSION
# Permission: limboauth.commands.premium
# Permission: limboauth.commands.totp
# Permission: limboauth.commands.unregister
unregister: PERMISSION
# Permission: limboauth.admin.forcechangepassword
force-change-password: PERMISSION
# Permission: limboauth.admin.forceregister
force-register: PERMISSION
# Permission: limboauth.admin.forceunregister
force-unregister: PERMISSION
# Permission: limboauth.admin.reload
# Permission: limboauth.admin.help
reload: "{PRFX} &#16ff7aУспешная перезагрузка"
error-occurred: "{PRFX} &#ff262cПроизошла ошибка"
ratelimited: "{PRFX} &cPlease wait before next usage!"
database-error-kick: "{PRFX} &fОшибка базы данных"
not-player: "{PRFX} &#ff262cКонсоль не может выполнять эту команду"
not-registered: "{PRFX} &#ff262cВы не за зарегистрированы"
cracked-command: "{PRFX} {NL}§aВы не можете использовать эту команду, так как ваша учетная запись §6PREMIUM§a!"
wrong-password: "{PRFX} &#ff262cПароль неверный"
nickname-invalid-kick: "&#ff262cАвторизация {NL} {NL}&#e6e6e6Ваш никнейм содержит запрещёные символы. Поменяйте его"
reconnect-kick: "&#ff262cАвторизация {NL} {NL}&fПереподключитесь к серверу чтобы подтвердить аккаунт"
# 6 hours by default in ip-limit-valid-time
ip-limit-kick: "&#ff262cАвторизация {NL} {NL}&fВы достигли лимита аккаунтов"
wrong-nickname-case-kick: "&#ff262cАвторизация {NL} {NL}&fПоменяйте ник с &#16ff7a{1} &fна &#16ff7a{0}"
bossbar: "&#1488CCУ вас есть &#23ff25{0} секунд"
times-up: "&#ff262cАвторизация {NL} {NL}&#ff262cВремя авторизации вышло"
login-premium: "{PRFX} Вы вошли в систему автоматически, используя премиум-аккаунт.!" # Can be empty.
login-premium-title: "{PRFX} Welcome!" # Can be empty.
login-premium-subtitle: "&#16ff7aYou has been logged in as premium player!" # Can be empty.
login-floodgate: "{PRFX} You've been logged in automatically using the bedrock account!" # Can be empty.
login-floodgate-title: "{PRFX} Welcome!" # Can be empty.
login-floodgate-subtitle: "&#16ff7aYou has been logged in as bedrock player!" # Can be empty.
login: "{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{PRFX} Добро пожаловать на &#1488CCʀ&#177DC9ɪ&#1A73C6ᴏ&#1D68C2ᴛ&#205DBFᴄ&#2252BCʀ&#2548B9ᴀ&#283DB5ꜰ&#2B32B2ᴛ&f{NL}{PRFX} &fЕсли вы зашли впервые, данный аккаунт уже был &#1488CCз&#1682CAа&#177CC8р&#1976C6е&#1B6FC5г&#1C69C3и&#1E63C1с&#205DBFт&#2157BDр&#2351BBи&#244BB9р&#2644B8о&#283EB6в&#2938B4а&#2B32B2н{NL}{PRFX} &fИ вам стоит сменить никнейм.{NL}{PRFX} &fВойдите в аккаунт: &#1488CC/ʟᴏɢɪɴ [ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ]"
login-wrong-password: "{PRFX} &fВы ввели неправильный пароль. У вас осталось &#16ff7a{0} &fпопытки"
login-wrong-password-kick: "&#ff262cАвторизация {NL} {NL}&#ff262cВы ввели неправильный пароль слишком много раз"
login-successful: "§f{NL}§f{PRFX} §fАвторизация §aуспешно §fпройдена{NL}§f"
login-title: "&#1488CC&lᴀ&#1681CA&lᴜ&#187AC8&lᴛ&#1A73C6&lʜ&#1C6BC3&lᴏ&#1E64C1&lʀ&#205DBF&lɪ&#2156BD&lᴢ&#234FBB&lᴀ&#2548B9&lᴛ&#2740B6&lɪ&#2939B4&lᴏ&#2B32B2&lɴ" # Can be empty.
login-subtitle: "&#1488CC/ʟᴏɢɪɴ [ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ]" # Can be empty.
login-successful-title: "&#1488CC&lᴀ&#1681CA&lᴜ&#187AC8&lᴛ&#1A73C6&lʜ&#1C6BC3&lᴏ&#1E64C1&lʀ&#205DBF&lɪ&#2156BD&lᴢ&#234FBB&lᴀ&#2548B9&lᴛ&#2740B6&lɪ&#2939B4&lᴏ&#2B32B2&lɴ" # Can be empty.
login-successful-subtitle: "&fВы успешно авторизировались" # Can be empty.
# Or if register-need-repeat-password set to false remove the "<repeat password>" part.
register: "{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{NL}{PRFX} Добро пожаловать на &#1488CCʀ&#177DC9ɪ&#1A73C6ᴏ&#1D68C2ᴛ&#205DBFᴄ&#2252BCʀ&#2548B9ᴀ&#283DB5ꜰ&#2B32B2ᴛ&f новобранец{NL}{PRFX} Придумайте сложный пароль{NL}{PRFX} и запишите свой пароль{NL}{PRFX} &fЗарегистрируйтесь: &#1488CC&l/ʀᴇɢɪsᴛᴇʀ [ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ] [ʀᴇᴘᴇᴀᴛ_ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ]"
register-different-passwords: "{PRFX} &#ff262cПароли отличаються"
register-password-too-short: "{PRFX} &#ff262cСликом короткий пароль"
register-password-too-long: "{PRFX} &#ff262cСликом длиный пароль"
register-password-unsafe: "{PRFX} &#ff262cСликом легкий пароль"
register-successful: "{PRFX} &fВы §aуспешно §fзарегистрировались!"
register-title: "&#1488CC&lʀ&#177CC8&lᴇ&#1B6FC5&lɢ&#1E63C1&lɪ&#2157BD&ls&#244BB9&lᴛ&#283EB6&lᴇ&#2B32B2&lʀ" # Can be empty.
register-subtitle: "&#1488CC/ʀᴇɢɪsᴛᴇʀ [ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ] [ʀᴇᴘᴇᴀᴛ_ᴘᴀssᴡᴏʀᴅ]" # Can be empty.
register-successful-title: "&#fb9f02&lʀ&#fba605&lᴇ&#fbad09&lɢ&#fbb40c&lɪ&#fbba10&ls&#fbc113&lᴛ&#fbc817&lᴇ&#fbcf1a&lʀ" # Can be empty.
register-successful-subtitle: "&fУспешная регистрация" # Can be empty.
unregister-successful: "&#ff262cАвторизация {NL} {NL}&#16ff7aУспешная раз регистрация"
unregister-usage: "{PRFX} &fИспользованиe: &#fcd900/unregister ПАРОЛЬ confirm"
premium-successful: "{PRFX} {NL}&#16ff7aSuccessfully changed account state to &#ff7707PREMIUM&#16ff7a!"
already-premium: "{PRFX} &#ff262cYour account is already &#ff7707PREMIUM&#ff262c!"
not-premium: "{PRFX} &#ff262cYour account is not &#ff7707PREMIUM&#ff262c!"
premium-usage: "{PRFX} Usage: &#ff7707/premium <current password> confirm"
event-cancelled: "{PRFX} &#ff262cАвторизация отменена"
force-unregister-successful: "{PRFX} &#16ff7aУспешная раз регистрация"
force-unregister-kick: "&#ff262cАвторизация {NL} {NL}&fВы раз регистрированы администратором"
force-unregister-not-successful: "{PRFX} &#ff262cUnable to unregister &#ff7707{0}&#ff262c. Most likely this player has never been on this server."
force-unregister-usage: "{PRFX} &fИспользованиe: &#16ff7a/forceunregister НИК"
registrations-disabled-kick: "{PRFX} Registrations are currently disabled."
change-password-successful: "{PRFX} &fУспешная смена пароля"
# Or if change-password-need-old-pass set to false remove the "<old password>" part.
change-password-usage: "{PRFX} &fИспользованиe: &#16ff7a/changepassword &7&oСтарыйПароль НовыйПароль"
force-change-password-successful: "{PRFX} &fУспешное изменение пароля"
force-change-password-message: "{PRFX} &fВаш пароль изменён администратором"
force-change-password-not-successful: "{PRFX} &fНевозможно изменить пароль. Игрок не найден"
force-change-password-not-registered: "{PRFX} &fИгрок не зарегистрирован"
force-change-password-usage: "{PRFX} Использованиe: &#16ff7a/forcechangepassword НИК НОВЫЙ_ПАРОЛЬ"
force-register-usage: "{PRFX} Использованиe: &#16ff7a/forceregister НИК НОВЫЙ_ПАРОЛЬ"
force-register-incorrect-nickname: "{PRFX} &fНик содержит запрещёные символы"
force-register-taken-nickname: "{PRFX} &fНик уже занят"
force-register-successful: "{PRFX} &#e6e6e6Successfully registered player &#fcd900{0}"
force-register-not-successful: "{PRFX} &#e6e6e6Unable to register player &#fcd900{0}"
totp: "{PRFX} Please, enter your 2FA key using &#ff7707/2fa <key>"
totp-title: "{PRFX}" # Can be empty.
totp-subtitle: "&#16ff7aEnter your 2FA key using &#ff7707/2fa <key>" # Can be empty.
totp-successful: "{PRFX} &#16ff7aSuccessfully enabled 2FA!"
totp-disabled: "{PRFX} &#16ff7aSuccessfully disabled 2FA!"
# Or if totp-need-pass set to false remove the "<current password>" part.
totp-usage: "{PRFX} Usage: &#ff7707/2fa enable <current password>&f or &#ff7707/2fa disable <totp key>&f."
totp-wrong: "{PRFX} &#ff262cWrong 2FA key!"
totp-already-enabled: "{PRFX} &#ff262c2FA is already enabled. Disable it using &#ff7707/2fa disable <key>&#ff262c."
totp-qr: "{PRFX} Click here to open 2FA QR code in browser."
totp-token: "{PRFX} &#16ff7aYour 2FA token &7(Click to copy)&#16ff7a: &#ff7707{0}"
totp-recovery: "{PRFX} &#16ff7aYour recovery codes &7(Click to copy)&#16ff7a: &#ff7707{0}"
destroy-session-successful: "{PRFX} &eYour session is now destroyed, you'll need to log in again after reconnecting."
mod-session-expired: "{PRFX} Your session has expired, log in again."

# Database settings
# Database type: mariadb, mysql, postgresql, sqlite or h2.
storage-type: H2
# Settings for Network-based database (like MySQL, PostgreSQL):
hostname: ""
user: ""
password: ""
database: ""
connection-parameters: ""
  • _Dead_
  • Жiнка з ароматом пива, шкiра снiжного кальвiна.
  • 131
@ColdAsWinter, я полагаю что ошибка связана с форматированием строки prefix или с каким-то другим параметром в этом файле.
Что бы узнать наверняка, что именно вызывает эту ошибку, нужно посмотреть код Java в файле LimboAuth.java в строке 713 и выше. Но Github ссылка от modrinth неактивна для просмотра.

Попробуйте, снести этот файл и настройте его для работы, без редактирования текста.
  • _Dead_
  • Жiнка з ароматом пива, шкiра снiжного кальвiна.
  • 131
@ColdAsWinter, удалить config и попробовать войти со значениями по умолчанию который плагин создаст после рестарта сервера, если не требуется что-то изменить.
  • _Dead_
  • Жiнка з ароматом пива, шкiра снiжного кальвiна.
  • 131

Мне помогла проверка на NAT вот это разрешит прокси подключаться к серверу Minecraft
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 25565 -j ACCEPT

и работать на 25571
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 25571 -j ACCEPT

Если фаервол — UFW:

sudo ufw allow 25565/tcp
sudo ufw allow 25571/tcp

А для NAT убедитесь, что правило переадресации портов на роутере или сервере настроено.