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Помощь EcoEnchants erorr consol

Прячьте все логи под код
[01:26:41] [ServerMain/WARN]: [oshi.util.platform.windows.PerfDataUtil] Failed to add PDH Counter: \Paging File(_Total)\% Usage, Error code: 0xC0000BB8
[01:26:41] [ServerMain/WARN]: [oshi.util.platform.windows.PerfCounterQueryHandler] Failed to add counter for PDH counter: \Paging File(_Total)\% Usage
[01:26:41] [ServerMain/WARN]: [oshi.util.platform.windows.PerfCounterQuery] Disabling further attempts to query Paging File.
[01:26:43] [ServerMain/WARN]: [oshi.util.platform.windows.WmiQueryHandler] COM exception: Invalid Query: SELECT PERCENTUSAGE FROM Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_PagingFile
[01:26:46] [ServerMain/INFO]: Building unoptimized datafixer
[01:26:49] [ServerMain/INFO]: Environment: authHost='https://authserver.mojang.com', accountsHost='https://api.mojang.com', sessionHost='https://sessionserver.mojang.com', servicesHost='https://api.minecraftservices.com', name='PROD'
[01:26:51] [ServerMain/INFO]: Loaded 7 recipes
[01:26:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.19.3
[01:26:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
[01:26:52] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running Paper version git-Paper-448 (MC: 1.19.3) (Implementing API version 1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 155aa36)
[01:26:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
[01:26:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
[01:26:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk system is using 1 I/O threads, 3 worker threads, and gen parallelism of 3 threads
[01:26:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
[01:26:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[01:26:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
[01:26:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
[01:26:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Paper: Using Java compression from Velocity.
[01:26:52] [Server thread/INFO]: Paper: Using Java cipher from Velocity.
[01:26:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [eco] Initializing eco
[01:26:54] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Initializing EcoEnchants
[01:26:54] [Server thread/WARN]: [org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R2.legacy.CraftLegacy] Initializing Legacy Material Support. Unless you have legacy plugins and/or data this is a bug!
[01:27:03] [Server thread/WARN]: Legacy plugin CMIEInjector v1.0.2.3 does not specify an api-version.
[01:27:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [Boss] Loading 1 libraries... please wait
[01:27:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [Boss] Loaded library C:\Users\Yaroslav\Desktop\[ server 1.19.3 ]\libraries\org\openjdk\nashorn\nashorn-core\15.4\nashorn-core-15.4.jar
[01:27:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [Boss] Loaded library C:\Users\Yaroslav\Desktop\[ server 1.19.3 ]\libraries\org\ow2\asm\asm\7.3.1\asm-7.3.1.jar
[01:27:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [Boss] Loaded library C:\Users\Yaroslav\Desktop\[ server 1.19.3 ]\libraries\org\ow2\asm\asm-commons\7.3.1\asm-commons-7.3.1.jar
[01:27:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [Boss] Loaded library C:\Users\Yaroslav\Desktop\[ server 1.19.3 ]\libraries\org\ow2\asm\asm-analysis\7.3.1\asm-analysis-7.3.1.jar
[01:27:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [Boss] Loaded library C:\Users\Yaroslav\Desktop\[ server 1.19.3 ]\libraries\org\ow2\asm\asm-tree\7.3.1\asm-tree-7.3.1.jar
[01:27:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [Boss] Loaded library C:\Users\Yaroslav\Desktop\[ server 1.19.3 ]\libraries\org\ow2\asm\asm-util\7.3.1\asm-util-7.3.1.jar
[01:27:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaVersion] Loading server plugin ViaVersion v4.7.0
[01:27:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaVersion] ViaVersion 4.7.0 is now loaded. Registering protocol transformers and injecting...
[01:27:05] [Via-Mappingloader-0/INFO]: [ViaVersion] Loading block connection mappings ...
[01:27:05] [Via-Mappingloader-0/INFO]: [ViaVersion] Using FastUtil Long2ObjectOpenHashMap for block connections
[01:27:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaBackwards] Loading translations...
[01:27:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaBackwards] Registering protocols...
[01:27:05] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading server plugin LuckPerms v5.4.40
[01:27:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Loading server plugin Vault v1.7.3-b131
[01:27:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Loading server plugin PlaceholderAPI v2.11.3
[01:27:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Loading server plugin WorldEdit v7.2.13+46576cc
[01:27:06] [Server thread/INFO]: Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@ebc6ef7]
[01:27:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlayerPoints] Loading server plugin PlayerPoints v3.2.6
[01:27:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading server plugin WorldGuard v7.0.8+33cdb4a
[01:27:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Loading server plugin ProtocolLib v5.0.0
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Loading server plugin Multiverse-Core v4.3.1-b861
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [CMILib] Loading server plugin CMILib v1.3.1.2
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [HeadDatabase] Loading server plugin HeadDatabase v4.17.3
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib] Loading server plugin MythicLib v1.6.1
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib] Plugin file is called 'MythicLib-1.6.1.jar'
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib] Detected Bukkit Version: v1_19_R2
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib] Hooked onto WorldGuard
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [CMI] Loading server plugin CMI v9.6.1.0
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [DecentHolograms] Loading server plugin DecentHolograms v2.8.3
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] Loading server plugin NBTAPI v2.11.3
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Found Spigot: v1_19_R2! Trying to find NMS support
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] NMS support 'MC1_19_R2' loaded!
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Found Gson: class com.google.gson.Gson
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] Using the plugin 'ViaVersion' to create a bStats instance!
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] Loading server plugin MMOItems v6.9.4-SNAPSHOT
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] Plugin file is called 'MMOItems-6.9.4-SNAPSHOT.jar'
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] Hooked onto WorldEdit
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [DevLib] Loading server plugin DevLib v2.1.12
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [Citizens] Loading server plugin Citizens v2.0.30-SNAPSHOT (build 2875)
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItemEdit] Loading server plugin ItemEdit v3.1.0
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [eco] Loading server plugin eco
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldManager] Loading server plugin WorldManager v1.2.1
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [VoxelSniper] Loading server plugin VoxelSniper v8.12.0
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [VoidTeleport] Loading server plugin VoidTeleport v2.4.2
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaBackwards] Loading server plugin ViaBackwards v4.7.0
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans] Loading server plugin UltimateClans v6.5.4
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [TradePlus] Loading server plugin TradePlus v3.84
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [TAB] Loading server plugin TAB v3.2.0
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotGuard] Loading server plugin SpigotGuard v5.7 BULLET-PROOF
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ServerTours] Loading server plugin ServerTours v2.0.11
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [PrimeSeller] Loading server plugin PrimeSeller v2.2.9
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [PortableBeacons] Loading server plugin PortableBeacons v1.13.2
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [PortableBeacons] Registered WorldGuard flag
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [MyCommand] Loading server plugin MyCommand v5.7.4
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [MTBackpack] Loading server plugin MTBackpack v1.17.0
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [RPGInventory] Loading server plugin RPGInventory v1.8
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [RPGInventory] Plugin file is called 'MMOInventory-1.8.jar'
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [LootChest] Loading server plugin LootChest v2.3.4
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [DevShopLeveled] Loading server plugin DevShopLeveled vunspecified
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [Labyrinth] Loading server plugin Labyrinth v1.9.3
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [ItemTag] Loading server plugin ItemTag v3.1.0
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Loading server plugin EcoEnchants
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] Initializing libreforge
[01:27:08] [Thread-8/INFO]: [NBTAPI] [NBTAPI] The NBT-API seems to be up-to-date!
[01:27:08] [Server thread/INFO]: [libreforge] Loading server plugin libreforge v4.25.4
[01:27:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeMenus] Loading server plugin DeluxeMenus v1.13.7-Release
[01:27:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeluxeMenus] NMS hook has been setup successfully!
[01:27:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [CrazyAuctions] Loading server plugin CrazyAuctions v1.2.19
[01:27:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [CraftEnhance] Loading server plugin CraftEnhance v2.5.7
[01:27:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [CombineDeluxe] Loading server plugin CombineDeluxe v3.2.5
[01:27:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [CMIEInjector] Loading server plugin CMIEInjector v1.0.2.3
[01:27:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChatEx] Loading server plugin ChatEx v3.0.1
[01:27:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [Boss] Loading server plugin Boss v4.8.1
[01:27:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [BlockRegen] Loading server plugin BlockRegen v3.10.5
[01:27:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [BetterTalismans] Loading server plugin BetterTalismans v0.6-BETA
[01:27:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [BAirDrop] Loading server plugin BAirDrop v1.0.8.7-SNAPSHOT
[01:27:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [Anvil Formatting] Loading server plugin AnvilFormatting v1.0.3-1.17+
[01:27:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Loading server plugin ajLeaderboards v2.7.0
[01:27:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Verifying checksum for gson
[01:27:09] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Checksum matched for gson
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Verifying checksum for jar-relocator
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Checksum matched for jar-relocator
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Verifying checksum for asm
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Checksum matched for asm
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Verifying checksum for asm-commons
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Checksum matched for asm-commons
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Verifying checksum for gson
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Checksum matched for gson
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Verifying checksum for HikariCP
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Checksum matched for HikariCP
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Verifying checksum for slf4j-api
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Checksum matched for slf4j-api
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Verifying checksum for h2
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ajLeaderboards] Checksum matched for h2
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [ACubelets] Loading server plugin ACubelets v2.2.3
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Enabling LuckPerms v5.4.40
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]:         __   
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]:   |    |__)   LuckPerms v5.4.40
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]:   |___ |      Running on Bukkit - Paper
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]:
[01:27:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading configuration...
[01:27:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading storage provider... [H2]
[01:27:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading internal permission managers...
[01:27:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Performing initial data load...
[01:27:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Successfully enabled. (took 2540ms)
[01:27:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.7.3-b131
[01:27:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
[01:27:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabled Version 1.7.3-b131
[01:27:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Registered Vault permission & chat hook.
[01:27:12] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v7.2.13+46576cc
[01:27:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface
[01:27:12] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: Vault detected! Using Vault for permissions
[01:27:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Using com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.adapter.impl.v1_19_R2.PaperweightAdapter as the Bukkit adapter
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlayerPoints] Enabling PlayerPoints v3.2.6
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlayerPoints] Initializing using RoseGarden v1.2.5
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlayerPoints] Data handler connected using SQLite.
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Enabling ProtocolLib v5.0.0
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [eco] Enabling eco
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [eco] Loading eco
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered expansion: eco [6.65.3]
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [eco] Loaded integrations: HeadDatabase, DecentHolograms, Vault, PlayerPoints, CMI, PlaceholderAPI, WorldGuard
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [eco] Scanning for conflicts...
[01:27:14] [Server thread/WARN]: [eco] DevLib will likely conflict with eco! Reason: Kotlin shaded into jar
[01:27:14] [Server thread/WARN]: [eco] You can fix the conflicts by either removing the conflicting plugins, or by asking on the support discord to have them patched!
[01:27:14] [Server thread/WARN]: [eco] Only remove potentially conflicting plugins if you see Loader Constraint Violation / LinkageError anywhere
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Enabling EcoEnchants
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Loading EcoEnchants
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered expansion: ecoenchants [10.26.4]
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Loaded integrations: CMI
[01:27:14] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling EcoEnchants (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving method 'boolean com.willfp.libreforge.HolderProviderKt.registerHolderProvider(kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1)' the class loader 'EcoEnchants v10.26.4 (1).jar' @9337a5f of the current class, com/willfp/ecoenchants/EcoEnchantsPlugin, and the class loader 'libreforge-4.25.4.jar' @1afdf2eb for the method's defining class, com/willfp/libreforge/HolderProviderKt, have different Class objects for the type kotlin/jvm/functions/Function1 used in the signature (com.willfp.ecoenchants.EcoEnchantsPlugin is in unnamed module of loader 'EcoEnchants v10.26.4 (1).jar' @9337a5f, parent loader java.net.URLClassLoader @1b9e1916; com.willfp.libreforge.HolderProviderKt is in unnamed module of loader 'libreforge-4.25.4.jar' @1afdf2eb, parent loader java.net.URLClassLoader @1b9e1916)
    at com.willfp.ecoenchants.EcoEnchantsPlugin.handleEnable(EcoEnchantsPlugin.kt:64) ~[EcoEnchants v10.26.4 (1).jar:?]
    at com.willfp.eco.core.EcoPlugin.handleLifecycle(EcoPlugin.java:701) ~[eco-6.65.3-all (3).jar:?]
    at com.willfp.eco.core.EcoPlugin.onEnable(EcoPlugin.java:461) ~[eco-6.65.3-all (3).jar:?]
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:279) ~[paper-api-1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
    at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.enablePlugin(PaperPluginInstanceManager.java:192) ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-448]
    at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.enablePlugin(PaperPluginManagerImpl.java:104) ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-448]
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:507) ~[paper-api-1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugin(CraftServer.java:560) ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-448]
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:471) ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-448]
    at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer(DedicatedServer.java:274) ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-448]
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(MinecraftServer.java:1101) ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-448]
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(MinecraftServer.java:316) ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-448]
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) ~[?:?]
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Disabling EcoEnchants
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [EcoEnchants] Cleaning up...
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [CMIEInjector] Enabling CMIEInjector v1.0.2.3*
[01:27:14] [luckperms-worker-2/WARN]: [LuckPerms] Thread luckperms-worker-2 threw an uncaught exception
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: zip file closed
    at me.lucko.luckperms.common.event.gen.GeneratedEventClass.lambda$static$0(GeneratedEventClass.java:70) ~[?:?]
    at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.computeIfAbsent(ConcurrentHashMap.java:1708) ~[?:?]
    at me.lucko.luckperms.common.cache.LoadingMap.get(LoadingMap.java:67) ~[?:?]
    at me.lucko.luckperms.common.event.gen.GeneratedEventClass.generate(GeneratedEventClass.java:81) ~[?:?]
    at me.lucko.luckperms.common.event.gen.GeneratedEventClass.preGenerate(GeneratedEventClass.java:89) ~[?:?]
    at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask$RunnableExecuteAction.exec(ForkJoinTask.java:1395) ~[?:?]
    at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec(ForkJoinTask.java:373) ~[?:?]
    at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.topLevelExec(ForkJoinPool.java:1182) ~[?:?]
    at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.scan(ForkJoinPool.java:1655) ~[?:?]
    at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(ForkJoinPool.java:1622) ~[?:?]
    at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinWorkerThread.run(ForkJoinWorkerThread.java:165) ~[?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: zip file closed
    at java.util.zip.ZipFile.ensureOpen(ZipFile.java:831) ~[?:?]
    at java.util.zip.ZipFile.getEntry(ZipFile.java:330) ~[?:?]
    at java.util.jar.JarFile.getEntry(JarFile.java:518) ~[?:?]
    at java.util.jar.JarFile.getJarEntry(JarFile.java:473) ~[?:?]
    at io.papermc.paper.plugin.entrypoint.classloader.PaperSimplePluginClassLoader.findClass(PaperSimplePluginClassLoader.java:62) ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-448]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:587) ~[?:?]
    at io.papermc.paper.plugin.entrypoint.classloader.PaperPluginClassLoader.loadClass(PaperPluginClassLoader.java:114) ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-448]
    at io.papermc.paper.plugin.entrypoint.classloader.group.SpigotPluginClassLoaderGroup.lookupClass(SpigotPluginClassLoaderGroup.java:43) ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-448]
    at io.papermc.paper.plugin.entrypoint.classloader.group.SimpleListPluginClassLoaderGroup.getClassByName(SimpleListPluginClassLoaderGroup.java:37) ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-448]
    at io.papermc.paper.plugin.entrypoint.classloader.group.LockingClassLoaderGroup.getClassByName(LockingClassLoaderGroup.java:34) ~[paper-1.19.3.jar:git-Paper-448]
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.loadClass0(PluginClassLoader.java:173) ~[paper-api-1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.loadClass(PluginClassLoader.java:150) ~[paper-api-1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:574) ~[?:?]
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:520) ~[?:?]
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:467) ~[?:?]
    at me.lucko.luckperms.lib.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ByteArrayClassLoader.load(ByteArrayClassLoader.java:326) ~[?:?]
    at me.lucko.luckperms.lib.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ClassLoadingStrategy$Default$WrappingDispatcher.load(ClassLoadingStrategy.java:358) ~[?:?]
    at me.lucko.luckperms.lib.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ClassLoadingStrategy$Default.load(ClassLoadingStrategy.java:144) ~[?:?]
    at me.lucko.luckperms.lib.bytebuddy.dynamic.TypeResolutionStrategy$Passive.initialize(TypeResolutionStrategy.java:100) ~[?:?]
    at me.lucko.luckperms.lib.bytebuddy.dynamic.DynamicType$Default$Unloaded.load(DynamicType.java:6292) ~[?:?]
    at me.lucko.luckperms.lib.bytebuddy.dynamic.DynamicType$Default$Unloaded.load(DynamicType.java:6281) ~[?:?]
    at me.lucko.luckperms.common.event.gen.GeneratedEventClass.<init>(GeneratedEventClass.java:143) ~[?:?]
    at me.lucko.luckperms.common.event.gen.GeneratedEventClass.lambda$static$0(GeneratedEventClass.java:68) ~[?:?]
    ... 10 more
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [CMIEInjector] Injecting CMI Economy
[01:27:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [CMIEInjector] [Economy] CMI Economy found: Waiting
[01:27:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [Anvil Formatting] Enabling AnvilFormatting v1.0.3-1.17+
[01:27:15] [Server thread/WARN]: The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
[01:27:15] [Server thread/WARN]: While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
[01:27:15] [Server thread/WARN]: To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.properties file.
[01:27:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "world"
[01:27:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld
[01:27:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 171 ms
[01:27:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:the_nether
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 30 ms
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:the_end
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaVersion] Enabling ViaVersion v4.7.0
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaVersion] ViaVersion detected server version: 1.19.3 (761)
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Enabling PlaceholderAPI v2.11.3
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Fetching available expansion information...
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Enabling WorldGuard v7.0.8+33cdb4a
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world'
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_nether) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world_nether'
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world_the_end) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world_the_end'
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading region data...
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Enabling Multiverse-Core v4.3.1-b861
[01:27:17] [Server thread/WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] "Multiverse-Core v4.3.1-b861" has registered a listener for org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent on method "public void com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPortalListener.entityPortalCreate(org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent)", but the event is Deprecated. "Server performance will be affected"; please notify the authors [dumptruckman, Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141, main--].
[01:27:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] §aWe are aware of the warning about the deprecated event. There is no alternative that allows us to do what we need to do and performance impact is negligible. It is safe to ignore.
[01:27:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] 3 - World(s) loaded.
[01:27:18] [Server thread/WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] Buscript failed to load! The script command will be disabled! If you would like not to see this message, use [ICODE]/mv conf enablebuscript false[/ICODE] to disable Buscript from loading.
[01:27:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Version 4.3.1-b861 (API v24) Enabled - By dumptruckman, Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141 and main--
[01:27:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [CMILib] Enabling CMILib v1.3.1.2
[01:27:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Server version: v1_19_R2 - 1.19.3 - paper
[01:27:20] [Server thread/INFO]: CMI hooked.
[01:27:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered expansion: cmil []
[01:27:20] [Server thread/INFO]: PlaceholderAPI hooked.
[01:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Updated (EN) language file. Took 96ms
[01:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [HeadDatabase] Enabling HeadDatabase v4.17.3
[01:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [HeadDatabase] §bUsing default §3"en_US.lang" §bcreated by §6Arcaniax
[01:27:21] [Server thread/WARN]: [HeadDatabase] Economy was not loaded, some features will be disabled!
[01:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered expansion: hdb [4.17.3]
[01:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib] Enabling MythicLib v1.6.1
[01:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib] Hooked onto DecentHolograms
[01:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib] Hooked onto CMI
[01:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib] Hooked onto ProtocolLib
[01:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered expansion: mythiclib [1.6.1]
[01:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib] Hooked onto PlaceholderAPI
[01:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: [CMI] Enabling CMI v9.6.1.0
[01:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: ????? ?????? ????
[01:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: ????? ? ?? ? ????
[01:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: ?? ?? ??????  ??
[01:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]: _______________________________________________________
[01:27:21] [Server thread/INFO]:   Integrating PaperSpigot async methods
[01:27:22] [Server thread/INFO]:   57 Enabled and 1 Disabled modules
[01:27:22] [Server thread/INFO]:   Permission plugin: LuckPerms5.4.40
[01:27:22] [Server thread/INFO]:   Initialized Cipher256 AES
[01:27:22] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (61) regular alias into memory. Took 79ms
[01:27:22] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (1) custom text's into memory. Took 9ms
[01:27:22] [Server thread/INFO]:   3.36.0 data base type detected
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   Started SqLite data base. Took 244ms
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   Vault was found - Enabling capabilities. Economy: CMIEconomy
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (5) warning categories into memory. Took 1ms
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (3) warning commands into memory. Took 0ms
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (143) custom mob heads into memory. Took 25ms
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (0) cooldowns into memory. Took 47ms
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   (RandomTeleportation) Can't find world with (spawn) name
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   (RandomTeleportation) Can't find world with (funlymc_ru) name
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   (RandomTeleportation) Can't find world with (bossworld) name
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   (RandomTeleportation) Can't find world with (boss3) name
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   (RandomTeleportation) Can't find world with (HYDRA) name
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   (RandomTeleportation) Can't find world with (Sacokoap) name
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   (RandomTeleportation) Can't find world with (Kleap) name
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   Initializing BungeeCord
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (5) kits into memory. Took 13ms
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (7) ranks into memory. Took 42ms
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (8) playtime rewards into memory. Took 12ms
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (4) player data into memory. Took 43ms
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (0) playtime records into memory. Took 2ms
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (0) playtime reward records into memory. Took 1ms
[01:27:23] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (0) custom alias into memory. Took 6ms
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]:   Registered events. Took 195ms
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (0) event action commands into memory. Took 15ms
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]:   Updated (EN) language file. Took 183ms
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]:   Updated (RU) language file. Took 153ms
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (245) worth values into memory. Took 122ms
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (6) warps into memory. Took 10ms
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]:   Vault permissions was found - Enabling capabilities.
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered expansion: cmi []
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]:   PlaceholderAPI hooked.
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]:   PlaceholderAPI was found - Enabling capabilities.
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]:   Starting world timer.
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]:   Initializing world manager.
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (11) schedules into memory. Took 17ms
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded GeoIP
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (0) skin cache entries into memory. Took 2ms
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]:   Loaded (0) ArmorStand templates into memory. Took 0ms
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]:   Version has been enabled
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]: ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [CMIEInjector][Economy] CMI Economy hooked.
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [DecentHolograms] Enabling DecentHolograms v2.8.3
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [DecentHolograms] Using ProtocolLib for packet listening.
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] Enabling NBTAPI v2.11.3
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] Adding listeners...
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] Gson:
[01:27:24] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] Checking bindings...
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] All Classes were able to link!
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] All Methods were able to link!
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] Running NBT reflection test...
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [NBTAPI] Success! This version of NBT-API is compatible with your server.
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] Enabling MMOItems v6.9.4-SNAPSHOT
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems THRUSTING_SWORD SKILLED_SWORD] Could not load base item data 'required-dexterity': Could not find stat with ID 'REQUIRED_DEXTERITY'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems SWORD YANISDARK_SWORD] Could not load base item data 'additional-experience': Could not find stat with ID 'ADDITIONAL_EXPERIENCE'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems OFF_CATALYST QUICKCASTER_CATALYST] Could not load base item data 'mana-regeneration': Could not find stat with ID 'MANA_REGENERATION'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems OFF_CATALYST CHARM_OF_LEVITATION] Could not load base item data 'max-stellium': Could not find stat with ID 'MAX_STELLIUM'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems ARTIFACT SILA] Could not load base item data 'ability': Ability is missing type or mode
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems KATANA MASTER_KATANA] Could not load base item data 'required-dexterity': Could not find stat with ID 'REQUIRED_DEXTERITY'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems CATALYST LUCK_CHARM] Could not load base item data 'additional-experience': Could not find stat with ID 'ADDITIONAL_EXPERIENCE'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems CATALYST LUCK_CHARM] Could not load base item data 'additional-experience-enchanting': Could not find stat with ID 'ADDITIONAL_EXPERIENCE_ENCHANTING'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems HAMMER THOR_HAMMER] Could not load base item data 'additional-experience': Could not find stat with ID 'ADDITIONAL_EXPERIENCE'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems Item Templates] Loading template modifiers, please wait..
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems Item Templates] Loading item templates, please wait...
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] Hooked onto Vault
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] Loading crafting stations, please wait..
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'magic-essence' from crafting station 'arcane-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=MAGIC_FRAGMENT,amount=3,display="Magic Fragment"}': Could not find a template with ID 'MAGIC_FRAGMENT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'arcane-helmet' from crafting station 'arcane-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=MAGIC_FRAGMENT,amount=6,display="Magic Fragment"}': Could not find a template with ID 'MAGIC_FRAGMENT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-chestplate' from crafting station 'arcane-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=MAGIC_FRAGMENT,amount=9,display="Magic Fragment"}': Could not find a template with ID 'MAGIC_FRAGMENT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-leggings' from crafting station 'arcane-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=MAGIC_FRAGMENT,amount=8,display="Magic Fragment"}': Could not find a template with ID 'MAGIC_FRAGMENT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-boots' from crafting station 'arcane-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=MAGIC_FRAGMENT,amount=5,display="Magic Fragment"}': Could not find a template with ID 'MAGIC_FRAGMENT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'fire-essence' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': §7§cInvalid MMOItem §aMATERIAL FIRE_ESSENCE§c: §7No such MMOItem for Type §eMATERIAL§7.
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'fire-totem' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=FIRE_ESSENCE,amount=8,display="Fire Essence"}': Could not find a template with ID 'FIRE_ESSENCE'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'blaze-soul' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=FIRE_ESSENCE,amount=5,display="Fire Essence"}': Could not find a template with ID 'FIRE_ESSENCE'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'hell-bow' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=FIRE_ESSENCE,amount=2,display="Fire Essence"}': Could not find a template with ID 'FIRE_ESSENCE'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'fire-greatlance' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=FIRE_ESSENCE,amount=4,display="Fire Essence"}': Could not find a template with ID 'FIRE_ESSENCE'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'molten-blade' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=FIRE_ESSENCE,amount=13,display="Fire Essence"}': Could not find a template with ID 'FIRE_ESSENCE'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'wither-essence' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': §7§cInvalid MMOItem §aMATERIAL WITHER_ESSENCE§c: §7No such MMOItem for Type §eMATERIAL§7.
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'marking-bow' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=WITHER_ESSENCE,amount=1,display="Wither Essence"}': Could not find a template with ID 'WITHER_ESSENCE'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'cursed-wither-skull' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=WITHER_ESSENCE,amount=1,display="Wither Essence"}': Could not find a template with ID 'WITHER_ESSENCE'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-sword' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=4,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-sword-upgrade' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=4,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'katana' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=6,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-helmet' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=6,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-chestplate' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=9,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-leggings' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=8,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-boots' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=5,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-ingot' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': §7§cInvalid MMOItem §aMATERIAL STEEL_INGOT§c: §7No such MMOItem for Type §eMATERIAL§7.
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-dagger' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=4,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'hardened-steel-claymore' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=15,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'stiff-greatstaff' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=4,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-pickaxe' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=4,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-shovel' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=2,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] Hooked onto RPGInventory
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered expansion: mmoitems [6.9.4-SNAPSHOT]
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] Hooked onto PlaceholderAPI
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] Loading recipes, please wait...
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib Ingredient m MATERIAL EPIC_WEAPON_ESSENCE 1.0..] Invalid MMOItem MATERIAL EPIC_WEAPON_ESSENCE: No such MMOItem for Type MATERIAL.
[01:27:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib Ingredient m MATERIAL SILVER_INGOT 1.0..] Invalid MMOItem MATERIAL SILVER_INGOT: No such MMOItem for Type MATERIAL.
[01:27:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib Ingredient m MATERIAL STEEL_INGOT 1.0..] Invalid MMOItem MATERIAL STEEL_INGOT: No such MMOItem for Type MATERIAL.
[01:27:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib Ingredient m MATERIAL STEEL_INGOT 1.0..] Invalid MMOItem MATERIAL STEEL_INGOT: No such MMOItem for Type M
[01:27:26] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib Ingredient m MATERIAL STEEL_INGOT 1.0..] Invalid MMOItem MATERIAL STEEL_INGOT: No such MMOItem for Type
[01:27:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (HYDRA) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[01:27:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'HYDRA'
[01:27:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:sacokoap
[01:27:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 177 ms
[01:27:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Sacokoap) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[01:27:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Sacokoap) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[01:27:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Sacokoap) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
[01:27:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Sacokoap) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[01:27:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'Sacokoap'
[01:27:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:kleap
[01:27:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 62 ms
[01:27:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Kleap) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
[01:27:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Kleap) Lighters are PERMITTED.
[01:27:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Kleap) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
[01:27:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] (Kleap) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
[01:27:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'Kleap'
[01:27:29] [Server thread/INFO]: [VoxelSniper] Enabling VoxelSniper v8.12.0
[01:27:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [VoxelSniper] Registered 70 Sniper Brushes with 136 handles.
[01:27:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [VoxelSniper] Registered Sniper Listener.
[01:27:31] [Thread-11/INFO]: Checking for updates...
[01:27:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [VoidTeleport] Enabling VoidTeleport v2.4.2
[01:27:32] [Server thread/INFO]:
                              Current version: 2.4.2
                        You are running the latest version!
[01:27:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [VoidTeleport] Developed by EndlessGames.
[01:27:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [ViaBackwards] Enabling ViaBackwards v4.7.0
[01:27:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans] Enabling UltimateClans v6.5.4
[01:27:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans] ========================================
[01:27:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans]  _     _  _        _                              ______  _                   
[01:27:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans] | |   | || | _    ()               _            / ____)| |                  V6
[01:27:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans] | |   | || || |_   _  __    __ | |_    __ | /      | |  __  __    _
[01:27:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans] | |   | || ||  ) | ||    \  / _  ||  )  / _  )| |      | | / _  ||  _ \  /_)
[01:27:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans] | |_| || || | | || | | |( ( | || |__ ( (/ / | \_____ | |( ( | || | | ||___ |
[01:27:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans]  \______||| \__)|||||| \||| \) \_) \______)|| \||||| ||(__/
[01:27:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans]
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans] Thanks for using Black-Minecraft.com
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans] Language: RU (default)
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans] Setup ScriptEngine:
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans]  - Loaded successfully
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans] Setup database: SQLITE (Medium)
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans]  - Clan database [OK]
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans]  - Player database [OK]
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans]  - Invite database [OK]
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans]  - Moderation database [OK]
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans]  - Logger database [OK]
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans] Setup hooks...
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans]  - ProtocolLib
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans]  - PlaceholderAPI
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans]  - NBTAPI
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans]  - WorldGuard 7+
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans]  - CMI [ + HOLO USING]
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans]  - DecentHolograms
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered expansion: uclans [UClans V6]
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans] Setup bedrock hook...
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans]  - Not found.
[01:27:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [UltimateClans] Setup economy...
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