@FBM, У меня нету такой настройки может тут что то надо написать?
# Debug information
# Don't enable these unless you're attempting to locate an issue
# Available Debug categories:
# MINECRAFT_TO_DISCORD - Messages coming from Minecraft
# DISCORD_TO_MINECRAFT - Messages coming from Discord
# GROUP_SYNC - Group synchronization
# PRESENCE - The bot's game status or presence
# VOICE - The voice module (see voice.yml)
# REQUIRE_LINK - The require link to join module (see linking.yml)
# NICKNAME_SYNC - Nickname synchronization
# ALERTS - Alerts (see alerts.yml)
# WATCHDOG - The watchdog
# BAN_SYNCHRONIZATION - Ban synchronization
# LP_CONTEXTS - LuckPerm's contexts
# ACCOUNT_LINKING - discord/minecraft account linking
# UNCATEGORIZED - Anything not in any of the above categories
# ALL - All the above categories (including UNCATEGORIZED)
# JDA - JDA's debug messages
# JDA_REST_ACTIONS - For debugging JDA's rest actions
# CALLSTACKS - Displays the stack trace for DiscordSRV debug calls
Debug: []