Haschwalt submitted a new resource:
Animated Officer Set Product information $10.00 - This pack includes 8 models and a set of armor with icons.
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Animated Officer Set Product information $10.00 - This pack includes 8 models and a set of armor with icons.
Max 30 elements per item, for high FPS and a performance friendly experience.
Fits in with most packs and vanilla Minecraft.
Included Models:DISCLAIMER: Vanilla Shaders are required to use the armor.
- Sword (Hammer)
- Shield
- Bow
- Armor Set + Icons (Using Vanilla Shaders)
- Helm/Hat Cosmetic (Using MCCosmetics or Carved Pumpkin)
- Set of Tools (Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, Hoe)
Premade Configurations:
- Vanilla resource pack...
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