MC models 20th Century Furniture Volume 1

  • Автор темыoperator_abenda
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20th Century Furniture Volume 2 - Furniture

20th Century Furniture Volume 1, 20 Models:

    1. Bed
    2. Big Cupboard
    3. Bookshelf
    4. Carpet x2
    5. Chair
    6. Clock
    7. Cupboard
    8. Desk Lamp
    9. Fireplace
    10. Green Leather Sofa
    11. Mirror
    12. Nightstand
    13. Painting
    14. Piano
    15. Radio
    16. Showcase
    17. Standing Lamp
    18. Table
    19. Tabletop Small Lamp
Pre-Made Configurations

  • ItemsAdder drag and drop config
  • Oraxen drag and drop config

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