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Plugin Mechanics RPG/MMO LevelTools [1.3.5]

Short Description:
Плагин, который добавляет систему уровней для инструментов, мечей и луков.
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Исправлена проблема с порядком обновления предметов с командными наградами. Обновленные зависимости
Supports version
  1. 1.19.✘
  1. Java 18
Source code

Плагин, который добавляет систему уровней для инструментов, мечей и луков .

  • Поддерживает версии 1.8 - 1.19.
  • Нет зависимостей.
  • Суперэффективно, без задержек.
  • Простой API разработчика.
  • Команды/чары при повышении уровня.
  • Поддерживает черный список для блоков и предметов для XP.
  • Уведомления панели действий.
  • Модификация истории предмета.
    • leveltools.admin : Разрешение на использование служебных команд.
    • leveltools.enabled : Разрешение на получение опыта на инструмента.
      • %leveltools_level%: захватывает предмет на уровне руки.
      • %leveltools_xp%: Забирает предмет в руке.
      • %leveltools_max_xp%: берет предмет в руке до повышения уровня.
      • %leveltools_progress_bar% : Захватывает предмет в строке прогресса XP.
      • /leveltools reload : перезагружает конфигурацию
      • /leveltools help : показывает все cmds
      • /leveltools xp : Устанавливает XP предмета в руке на предоставленный XP.
      • /leveltools level: Устанавливает уровень предмета в руке на указанный уровень.
      • /leveltools levelup : повышает уровень предмета в руке на один.

        Конфигурация по умолчанию:
        # LevelTools v1.2.7 by byteful#0001
        # Useful Links:
        # - https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Attribute
        # - https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/attribute/Attribute.html
        # - https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
        # - https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/enchantments/Enchantment.html
        # - https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html
        # - https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
        # Configuration for update checker.
          # Should LevelTools check for updates on start?
          start: true
          # Should LevelTools check for updates periodically?
          periodically: true
        # Configuration for messages.
          no_permission: "&cYou do not have permission to execute this command!"
          successful_reload: "&aSuccessfully reloaded LevelTools!"
          successfully_executed_action: "&aSuccessfully executed action for item in hand."
          item_not_tool: "&cThe item in hand is not supported by LevelTools!"
          successfully_reset_tools: "&aSuccessfully reset all tool XP/Levels for {player}."
        # What action should be done when combining items in an anvil?
        # Modes: "HIGHER_OF_BOTH" (Takes level and xp of higher level item), "LOWER_OF_BOTH" (Takes level and xp of lower level item), OR "ADD_BOTH" (Adds the level and XP of both items)
        anvil_combine: "ADD_BOTH"
        # The amount of XP needed to get from level 0 to level 1.
        level_xp_start: 100.0
        # The increase in amount of XP needed to get from level to level.
        # Ex: If we are on level 1 and the level_xp_start is on 100.0 and the mode is ADD with 100.0, it would take 200.0 XP to get to level 2 from level 1.
        # Ex 2: If we are on level 1 and the level_xp_start is on 100.0 and the mode is MULTIPLY with 2.0, it would take 200.0 XP to get to level 2 from level 1.
          mode: "ADD" # Modes: "ADD" or "MULTIPLY"
          amount: 100.0
        # Should blocks that are placed by a player count towards XP?
        # May cause lag on a large server. Recommended to keep this true.
        # If this is set to false, all blocks placed beforehand will be counted towards XP.
        playerPlacedBlocks: true
        # Configuration for the sound played during a level up.
          sound: "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" # Set to null to disable this.
          pitch: 1.0
          volume: 1.0
        # The default block XP modifier. Look at the configuration section below for a better explanation.
          min: 0.5
          max: 1.5
        # The default combat XP modifier. Look at the configuration section below for a better explanation.
          min: 1.0
          max: 2.5
        # Configuration for specific block modifiers.
        # These modifiers change the amount of XP a block gives. Set the min and max to the same value to disable the random range system.
            min: 5.0
            max: 10.0
        # Configuration for specific entity (combat) modifiers.
        # These modifiers change the amount of XP an entity gives. Set the min and max to the same value to disable the random range system.
            min: 5.0
            max: 7.5
        # A blacklist that prevents the blocks listed from giving XP on break.
          - "FIRE"
          - "SOUL_FIRE"
          - "CRIMSON_FUNGUS"
          - "BROWN_MUSHROOM"
          - "RED_MUSHROOM"
          - "CRIMSON_ROOTS"
          - "GRASS"
          - "TALL_GRASS"
          - "SEAGRASS"
          - "TORCH"
          - "FERN"
          - "LARGE_FERN"
          - "SUNFLOWER"
          - "CORNFLOWER"
        # A blacklist that prevents the entities listed from giving XP on kill.
          - "PLAYER"
        # Configuration for tool rewards given at level ups.
        # Handlers:
        # - "command" : Runs the command provided as the console. (Ex: "command say test")
        # - "player-command" : Runs the command provided as the player. ("Ex: player-command say test")
        # - "enchant" : Adds an enchantment to the tool. Overrides existing enchantments with the new level provided. (Ex: "enchant efficiency 1")
        # - "enchant2" : Does the same thing as "enchant" but doesn't override existing enchantments. (Ex: "enchant2 efficiency 1")
        # - "attribute" : Modifies an attribute on the tool. (Ex: "attribute generic.attack_speed 10") OR (Ex: "attribute GENERIC_ATTACK_SPEED 10")
            - "enchant2 efficiency 1"
        # Configuration for sword rewards given at level ups.
        # Handlers:
        # - "command" : Runs the command provided as the console. (Ex: "command say test")
        # - "player-command" : Runs the command provided as the player. ("Ex: player-command say test")
        # - "enchant" : Adds an enchantment to the tool. Overrides existing enchantments with the new level provided. (Ex: "enchant efficiency 1")
        # - "enchant2" : Does the same thing as "enchant" but doesn't override existing enchantments. (Ex: "enchant2 efficiency 1")
        # - "attribute" : Modifies an attribute on the tool. (Ex: "attribute generic.attack_speed 10") OR (Ex: "attribute GENERIC_ATTACK_SPEED 10")
            - "enchant2 sharpness 1"
        # Configuration for bow and crossbow rewards given at level ups.
        # Handlers:
        # - "command" : Runs the command provided as the console. (Ex: "command say test")
        # - "player-command" : Runs the command provided as the player. ("Ex: player-command say test")
        # - "enchant" : Adds an enchantment to the tool. Overrides existing enchantments with the new level provided. (Ex: "enchant efficiency 1")
        # - "enchant2" : Does the same thing as "enchant" but doesn't override existing enchantments. (Ex: "enchant2 efficiency 1")
        # - "attribute" : Modifies an attribute on the tool. (Ex: "attribute generic.attack_speed 10") OR (Ex: "attribute GENERIC_ATTACK_SPEED 10")
            - "enchant2 power 1"
        # Configuration for tool displays.
        # To create a custom display for a specific tool item type, list that type as a key and set the lore as shown in the default lore.
        # Placeholders:
        # - {level} : The tool's level.
        # - {xp} : The tool's xp.
        # - {max_xp} : The tool's max XP needed to reach the next level.
        # - {progress_bar} : The progress bar text built with the configuration under 'progress_bar'.
          # Sends the progress bar to the action bar of a player when they gain XP on the tool in their hand.
            enabled: true
            text: "{progress_bar} &e{xp}&6/&e{max_xp}"
          # Manage the lore displayed on the tool.
            # Should LevelTools override the lore on tools?
            enabled: true
            # The lore lines that LevelTools overrides the tool with.
              - ""
              - "&eLevel: &6{level}"
              - ""
              - "{progress_bar} &e{xp}&6/&e{max_xp}"
        # Set to true if leveled items should show attributes. Recommended to keep this true to prevent "lore spam".
        hide_attributes: true
        # Configuration for the progress bar.
          # The total amount of bars in the progress bar.
          total_bars: 50
          # The symbol used for the bar.
          bar_symbol: '|'
          # The symbol used to prefix the bar symbols.
          prefix_symbol: '['
          # The symbol used to suffix the bar symbols.
          suffix_symbol: ']'
          # The color for the prefix symbol.
          prefix_color: '8' # Do not include the '&'
          # The color for the suffix symbol.
          suffix_color: '8' # Do not include the '&'
          # The color for the achieved/completed bars.
          completed_color: 'e' # Do not include the '&'
          # The color for the remaining/placeholder bars.
          placeholder_color: '7' # Do not include the '&'



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