Gold  Plugin Decoration Head Database [4.21.1]

This resource can be downloaded by users with a band GOLD or higher. Read More/Buy
Head Database
Short Description:
Быстрый и удобный плагин, позволяющий получить тысячи настраиваемых голов.
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- Исправлены проблемы с API, так что он снова может находить идентификаторы категорий Alphabet &...


В базу данных добавлено еще 550 голов, используйте /hdb r для перезагрузки базы данных...


personal_head должен снова работать в пользовательских категориях. keep-category: true Теперь...
Supports version
  1. 1.8.✘
  2. 1.9.✘
  3. 1.10.✘
  4. 1.11.✘
  5. 1.12.✘
  6. 1.13.✘
  7. 1.14.✘
  8. 1.15.✘
  9. 1.16.✘
  10. 1.17.✘
  11. 1.18.✘
  12. 1.19.✘
  13. 1.20.✘
Official page
Head Database

Описание плагина Head DataBase:​

HeadDataBase - плагин, добавляющий декоративные головы на сервер Майнкрафт. Head DataBase - очень полезный плагин подойдет для любого сервера. Плагин очень понятный в настройке, так что разобраться с ним не составит труда. Плагин добавляет декоративные головы на ваш сервер. Начиная от мобов заканчивая разными предметами.

Команды плагина Head DataBase:​

/hdb - Меню.
/hdb info - Информация.
/hdb reload - Рестарт плагина.
/hdb search - Поиск головы.
/hdb random - Выдать рандомную голову игрока.
/hdb give- Выдать себе голову

Права плагина Head DataBase:​

- - Разрешение покупать головы.
- [Категория] - Разрешение покупать только определенную категорию.
- headdb.category [Категория] - Разрешение на все категории.
- - Получать все головы бесплатно.
- headdb.admin.showid - Админ может смотреть айди голов.
- headdb.admin.disabled - Смотреть выключенные категории.
- Разрешение на открывание меню голов

Категории Head DataBase:​

alphabet - Алфавит
animals - Животные
blocks - Блоки
decoration - Декорации
food_drinks - Еда,напитки
humans - Люди
humanoid - Существа
miscellaneous - Разное
monsters - Монстры
plants - Растения
online_players - Онлайн игроки
custom - Заказы
custom2 - Заказы 2
custom3 - Заказы 3
custom4 - Заказы 4
custom5 - Заказы 5

Конфигурационные файлы плагина Head DataBase:​

#You can change your language here.
#Supported languages can be found in the texts folder.
locale: "en_US"

# put a cooldown on getting heads
cooldown-heads: false
cooldown-time: 3

# automatically remove invalid custom heads (HD heads) from inventories
# recommended for creative servers!

remove-invalid-heads: false

# toggle for keeping the category on heads.
keep-category: false

# toggle for showing heads in search which you do not have permission to buy
show-no-permission-search: false

#Disable some heads here
#They only will be removed on a database update or a server restart/reload
#  - "Chorus Plant"
#  - "ID:7302"
#  - "TAG:Animals"

#Disable categories here
#They only will be removed on a database update or a server restart/reload
- ""
  - "online_players"
  - "custom2"
  - "custom3"
  - "custom4"
  - "custom5"
#  - "custom"

# change the names of the heads here
#  ID: "name here"
  12105: "Iron Armour Herobrine"
#  3229: "&oBarrier Block"

# Toggle for showing the info and suggestions buttons in the main inventory
info-enabled: true
suggest-enabled: true
search-enabled: true
command-enabled: false
featured-tags-enabled: true
main-menu-category-slots: "10,11,12,13,14,15,16,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,28,29,30,31,32,33,34"
main-menu-info-slot: 41
main-menu-suggest-slot: 42
main-menu-search-slot: 43
main-menu-command-slot: 49

# Custom command to executed when clicking the command item (can be used as a back button to another menu)
custom-command: "menu"

# Featured tags
main-menu-featured-tags-slots: "37,38,39,40,41,42,43"
# [title]:[id,id...]:[search]:[startMonth-startDay]:[endMonth-endDay]
# title can contain a lang formatted message.
- "event.halloween:13779,12750,13584,12581:Halloween:10-20:11-7"
  - ",3158,2910:Christmas:11-24:12-31"
  - "event.newYear:4446,4447,4448:Firework:1-1:1-7"
  - "event.valentines:14696,14691,14672,14687,14673:Valentine:2-1:2-21"
  - "event.4thOfJuly:890:Firework:7-3:7-5"
  - "event.easter:726:Easter:3-31:4-30"

# seasons
  - "event.winter:3295,1697:Winter:10-25:12-31"
  - "event.winter:3295,1697:Winter:1-1:3-31"

  - "event.summer:573:summer:6-15:9-30"

# fun special days
  - "event.MayThe4th:14018,11622,8108,14028:Star wars:5-1:5-8"
  - "event.piDay:13603,45,57,46:Pie:3-13:3-15"
  - "event.pokemon:13797,8642,1644,2457:Pokemon:2-26:2-28"
  - "event.StPatricksDay:14225,3034:St Patrick's Day:3-16:3-18"
  - "event.dayOfTheDead:23693,23724,23725:Day of the Dead:11-1:11-3"
  - "event.pirate:4053,11331,2711:Pirate:9-18:9-20"
  - "event.taco:28,20769:Taco:10-3:10-5"
  - "event.mario:7287,23510,20124:Mario:3-9:3-11"

# all year round
  - "messages.recentHeads:11504:recent:1-1:12-31"

# Toggle for using a arrow (only back and next) instead of the paper web based one
# Also moves the back to main menu to the middle and removes the compass
arrow-menu-nav-enabled: false
arrow-menu-search-enabled: true
arrow-menu-current-page-enabled: true
#slots (only works with arrow menu navigation)
back-to-menu-slot: 45
arrow-back-slot: 47
current-page-slot: 49
arrow-next-slot: 51
arrow-search-slot: 53
#switch search and back to main menu places
# false: left = back & right = search
#(only works with page menu navigation)
page-menu-switch-slots: false

#items (also work on the other paper navigation system)
#all the items have to be different from eachother
#use the 1.12 and below Material syntax (1.13 materials are not yet supported)
arrow-item: "arrow"
paper-page-item: "paper"
current-page-item: "empty_map"
back-to-menu-item: "book"
info-item: "sign"
suggest-item: "writeable_book"
search-item: "compass"
command-item: "barrier"
background-item: "stained_glass_pane:8"
background-border-item: "stained_glass_pane:7"
loading-head-item: "skull_item:3"

# Toggle for chat search, if false it will ask you to do the command instead.
use-chat-search: false

# Close inventory when you don't have enough money to buy a head
close-inventory-on-failed-purchase: false

# Close inventory when you buy a head
close-inventory-on-successful-purchase: false

# Toggle for returning lore and name to the item when picked up
return-name-on-pickup: true

# Experimental async head loading
# Can be disabled in 1.13 as heads no longer lag out clients
experimental-loading: true
loadHeadAmount: 9
loadTimeDelay: 10.0

#Enable Economy here
#If the price is 0 it won't show up!
Economy-Enabled: false
Economy-Currency: "$"
#Type can be "item", "currency" or "playerpoints"
Economy-Type: currency
Economy-Item: gold_ingot
#if ItemName equals "" then it ignores the name of the item
Economy-ItemName: ""
#if ItemLore equals "" then it ignores the lore
#else ItemLore only checks the first line of the lore
Economy-ItemLore: ""

alphabet-price: 100
animals-price: 100
blocks-price: 200
decoration-price: 100
food_drinks-price: 100
humans-price: 100
humanoid-price: 100
miscellaneous-price: 100
monsters-price: 100
plants-price: 100
custom-price: 1000
custom2-price: 1000
custom3-price: 1000
custom4-price: 1000
custom5-price: 1000
online_players-price: 100
phead-price: 100

# you can set the category ID's here

alphabet-id: 164
animals-id: 335
blocks-id: 106
decoration-id: 4151
food_drinks-id: 22
humans-id: 3996
humanoid-id: 1530
miscellaneous-id: 537
monsters-id: 4187
plants-id: 11461
custom-id: 242
custom2-id: 242
custom3-id: 242
custom4-id: 242
custom5-id: 242
online_players-id: 2669

# Send custom heads to public database
# Heads added to your own custom categories might get added to the database.
send-heads-to-database: true
author-name: "HDB-default"

# format= name: "base64"
# do not use any ,'s in your name !
# you can use uuid:[player-uuid] to use normal players their skins
# tutorial:

# NOTE: If you see duplicated textures restart your client to refresh your cache
  Head Database: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTZjYzQ4NmMyYmUxY2I5ZGZjYjJlNTNkZDlhM2U5YTg4M2JmYWRiMjdjYjk1NmYxODk2ZDYwMmI0MDY3In19fQ=="
  Made by: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzg3Njg5ZjgzMzQzNmFhNzExYWJiZDQ1MTY4ODU2Nzc1YTJiMTE0NjU2Y2RmNGRjNWE2YzZmMWFmYWU1MjAifX19"
  Arcaniax: "uuid:4d3c1f2f71264d9b93ec01208a57188c"
  -: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZWQ3YWJjNDM2ODI5MzA3MGRjYjE2ZTRmN2ZlMGMyMWM3MzE3MTIxOTllYjI3MmYyZmRiN2E2ZmU2OTZjYmYzIn19fQ=="
  Hosted by: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDVjNmRjMmJiZjUxYzM2Y2ZjNzcxNDU4NWE2YTU2ODNlZjJiMTRkNDdkOGZmNzE0NjU0YTg5M2Y1ZGE2MjIifX19"
  LordRazen: "uuid:8d0a41175a764b72a7dc67b555119fef"
  §eplayer§6's head;100: "personal_head"
  Steve's skull;100: "vanilla:steve"
  Skeleton skull;200: "vanilla:skeleton"
  Wither skeleton skull;3000: "vanilla:wither_skeleton"
  Zombie head;200: "vanilla:zombie"
  Creeper head;200: "vanilla:creeper"
  Dragon head;10000: "vanilla:ender_dragon"
  head from ID: "id:20360"
  extra category 4: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTZjYzQ4NmMyYmUxY2I5ZGZjYjJlNTNkZDlhM2U5YTg4M2JmYWRiMjdjYjk1NmYxODk2ZDYwMmI0MDY3In19fQ=="
  extra category 5: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTZjYzQ4NmMyYmUxY2I5ZGZjYjJlNTNkZDlhM2U5YTg4M2JmYWRiMjdjYjk1NmYxODk2ZDYwMmI0MDY3In19fQ=="

Как установить плагин?​

1. Скачайте плагин.
2. Возьмите скачанный файл и перенесите в папку plugins вашего сервера.
3. Перезапустите сервер.
4. Готово.


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