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Gold  Plugin Fun RPG/MMO Friends Premium []

This resource can be downloaded by users with a band GOLD or higher. Read More/Buy
Friends Premium
Short Description:
Powerfull Friendsystem и Party для BungeeCord + поддержка RedisBungee
  • Like
Reactions:44 users
Supports version
  1. 1.8.✘
  2. 1.9.✘
  3. 1.10.✘
  4. 1.11.✘
  5. 1.12.✘
  6. 1.13.✘
  7. 1.14.✘
  8. 1.15.✘
  9. 1.16.✘
  10. 1.17.✘
Official page

Описание плагина Friends Premium:​

После долгой работы над созданием лучшей бесплатной FriendSystem на Spigot, я решил переделать все, чтобы сделать еще более чистую, богатую функциями и премиум версию Friends для тех, кто хочет большего.

FriendsPremium предоставляет вашему серверу мощную FriendSystem для создания более продвинутого способа взаимодействия и игры игроков друг с другом.

Если вы хотите протестировать этот плагин, вы можете проверить более урезанную базовую версию только для Spigot: Friends Spigot

Нету прокси сервера?​

Если вы ищете версию только для Spigot, обратите внимание на Friends for Spigot, урезанную, более простую версию Friends!

Требования плагина Friends Premium:​

Обратите внимание, что этот плагин нуждается в BungeeCord/Waterfall Networks и не работает только со Spigot!
Вам нужна работающая база данных MySQL/MariaDB-Database

Особенности плагина Friends Premium:​

  • Мощный графический интерфейс для управления всем, что связано с друзьями и вечеринками
  • Видеть и взаимодействовать со своими друзьями
  • Принимать или отклонять запросы
  • Изменить параметры
    Используйте Base64-Data для создания еще более уникального внешнего вида с помощью пользовательских головок
  • AnvilGUI (Гуи наковальни) для изменения ников и вашего статуса
  • Все можно сделать с помощью команд или графического интерфейса
  • MySQL-хранилище с асинхронными операциями
  • Обширная система кэширования для обеспечения молниеносной навигации по описям без необходимости обращения к базе данных, чтобы избежать задержек даже в базах данных с сотнями тысяч строк данных!
  • Все данные кэшируются, чтобы сократить время доступа к базе данных и значительно повысить производительность.
  • Вы можете общаться со своими друзьями, используя специальный FriendChat.
  • Индивидуально решайте, кто из игроков может иметь то или иное количество друзей! Вы можете выбрать любое число, чтобы создать несколько ограничений с разрешениями.
  • Разрешение: 'Friends.FriendLimit.<Number>
  • Система /msg с /r для быстрых ответов
  • Поддерживает PlaceholderAPI!
  • Вы можете использовать все плейсхолдеры PAPI, чтобы ваш GUI выглядел еще более уникальным!
  • FriendsPremium-Placeholders для использования в других плагинах, поддерживающих PAPI:
  • %friendspremium_total% | Показывает количество друзей
  • %friendfriendspremium_online% | Показывает количество друзей онлайн
  • %friendfriendspremium_status% | Показывает статус игрока
  • %friendfriendspremium_offlinemode% | Показывает, находится ли игрок в режиме offlinemode или нет.
  • Поддержка RedisBungee
  • Если в вашей сети более одного прокси, вам необходимо использовать RedisSynchronizer-Addon
  • Кликабельные сообщения!
  • Показывайте информацию о своих Друзьях!
  • С какого времени вы дружите
  • Когда ваш друг был онлайн в последний раз
  • На каком сервере сейчас находится ваш друг
  • Пользовательский статус
  • Все может быть изменено и настроено!
  • Существует буквально неограниченное количество способов настройки друзей для создания уникального внешнего вида вашего графического интерфейса!
  • Можно изменить название каждого предмета, его историю, материал и положение в инвентаре.
  • Все сообщения также могут быть изменены
  • Переходите на сервер друзей!
  • Динамический и обновляемый в реальном времени графический интерфейс!
  • Все действия будут обновляться в реальном времени во время просмотра инвентаря, чтобы создать бесшовный опыт!
  • Полная партийная система (может быть отключена)
  • Приглашайте друзей и присоединяйтесь к серверам вместе, чтобы улучшить игровой опыт
  • Выделенный партийный чат
  • Продвижение и понижение игроков внутри вашей партии
  • Оптимальная система безопасности, позволяющая избежать вылета из запущенных игровых режимов
  • Полностью интегрирован в графический интерфейс
  • Spychat, чтобы видеть, что ваши игроки пишут через личные сообщения и или Friendchat!
  • И многое другое (...)
Некоторые функции " Friends" обрабатываются BungeeCord, а некоторые - Spigot, что означает, что вы должны убедиться, что у игрока есть все разрешения на обоих! Это не поможет, если вы OP, потому что вам нужно иметь разрешения и на BungeeCord!

Дополнительные разрешения:​

Friends.FriendLimit.<Number> — Устанавливает максимальное количество друзей, которое может иметь игрок. Если у игрока полностью отсутствует разрешение, его лимит устанавливается на 0!
Friends.Commands.Msg.FriendByPass — Позволяет игроку отправлять личные сообщения кому-либо без необходимости быть другом.

Конфигурация плагина Friends Premium:​

Это не единственные конфигурационные файлы, которые вы найдете, но они дают вполне приличное представление о том, как много вы можете изменить.
#                                                                                                                                #
#    FriendsPREMIUM    MC1.13 - 1.16                                                                                                #
#    Version 1.0.0    Made by: HyChrod (Flocrafter77)                                                                                #
#                                                                                                                                #
  Prefix: "&bFriends &7|"
  # This changes the format of every date used in friends (e.g. 'friends since', 'last online')
  # Year: 'yyyy', Month: 'MM', Day: 'dd', Hour: 'hh', Minute: 'mm', Second: 'ss'
  DateFormat: "MM/dd/yyyy"
    KeepOnDeath: true
  # If this option is disabled, friends cannot hurt eachother
  FriendsCanPvP: false
  # If this option is enabled, you can hit someone with the friendshead and it will result in a friend-request beeing sent
  HitToSendRequest: true
   # You can toggle wether the status should be checked for abusive language phrases (defined in forbidden_phrases.txt)
    EnableFilter: true
    # This is the total lenght that is possible for setting a status
    MaxLenght: 30
    # This is the time players have to wait between changing their status
    # Permission to avoid this timer: '- Friends.Status.ChangeLimit.ByPass'
    ChangeDuration: 600
    # Toggle wether you want players to use farbcodes in order to set a colored status!
    AllowFarbcodes: false

  # If you enable Nicknames, players can give their friends a unique nickname!
  # If enabled, you can use %REAL_NAME% as a placeholder to show a players real name
    Enable: true
    # You can check given nicknames and block abusive words (defined in forbidden_phrases.txt)
    CheckForAbusiveWords: true
  # This is the item which opens the friend-inventory on a rightclick!
   # If you disable the friend-item, the inventory can only be opend by using /friends
    Enable: true
    Name: "&aFriends &7(Rightclick)"
    Material: "player_head"
    # You can split the lines by using '//'
    Lore: "//&7Rightclick this item to open the//&7friend-inventory!"
    InventorySlot: 4
    # If you haveing trouble getting the Friend-Item even tho you enabled it above, try enabling DelayedInventorySet to
    # add a slight delay before placing the item in the players inventory
    DelayedInventorySet: false

#                                                                                                                                    #
#    When editing the inventory, please make sure you set every '"' and only used valid material names!                                #
#    Material-List: https://www.digminecraft.com/lists/item_id_list_pc.php                                                            #
#                                                                                                                                    #
#    Minor changes can already cause the plugin to not work!                                                                            #
#                                                                                                                                    #

  # Decide wether you want players to use /friends to open up the GUI!
  OpenGUIWithCommand: true
    InventoryTitle: "&aYour friends: (Page %PAGE%)"
    # Available sizes are multiples of 9 up to 54
    # [ 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54 ]
    InventorySize: 54
    # If you enable this option, the Next-/PreviousPageItem will only be shown, if you have more friends than can fit on one page
    HidePageItemsWhenNotNeeded: false
      OnlineStatus: "&a(Online)"
      OfflineStatus: "&7(Offline)"
      Name: "&a%NAME% %ONLINE_STATUS%"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      # Use %SERVER% to show the current server a player is on. Only available for bungeemode!
      # Use %WORLD% to show the current world a player is on. Only available without bungeemode!
      LoreOnline: "&7Status: //&r&f%STATUS%// //&7Server: %SERVER%//&7Friends since: %DATE%"
      LoreOffline: "&7Status: //&r&f%STATUS%// //&7Last online: %LAST_ONLINE% o'clock//&7Friends since: %DATE%"
      ChangeSkullWhenOffline: true
      NoStatusReplacement: "-"
      LastOnlineFormat: "MM/dd/yyyy - HH:mm"
      UseDisplaynames: false
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&aRequests"
      Material: "emerald"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: "&7Currently: (%REQUESTS_COUNT%)"
      InventorySlot: 47
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&3Options"
      Material: "comparator"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: ""
      InventorySlot: 50
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&3Sorting:"
      Material: "nether_star"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: "&r%SORTING%"
      InventorySlot: 51
      OnOffSorting: "&rOnline/Offline"
      FavoriteSorting: "&rFavorites first"
      LongFriendSorting: "&rLongest friends first"
      Alphabetic: "&rAlphabetic"
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&bNext Page"
      Material: "arrow"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: ""
      InventorySlot: 54
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19"
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&bPrevious Page"
      Material: "arrow"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: ""
      InventorySlot: 53
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0="
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&9Your Party"
      Material: "firework_rocket"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: ""
      InventorySlot: 49
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      Material: "gray_stained_glass_pane"
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
     - 1
      - 2
      - 3
      - 4
      - 5
      - 6
      - 7
      - 8
      - 9
      - 37
      - 38
      - 39
      - 40
      - 41
      - 42
      - 43
      - 44
      - 45
      - 48
      - 52
    # In the following section you are able to create your own items, which can perform commands or just work as additional placeholders/design elements.
    # To add a new item, just follow these format-rules:
    # CustomItems:
    #   CUSTOM_ITEM_<Number>:
    #     Name: ""
    #     Material: ""
    #     Lore: ""
    #     InventorySlot: 1
    #     PerformCommand: <Command> | If you do not want to use a command just let it empty
    #      Base64Value: ""
        Name: "&7Close Inventory"
        Material: "iron_door"
        Lore: "&7This is a custom item, which can be//&7created and edited in the config.yml// //&7If you do not want to use this item//&7just remove it or change it to your needs."
        InventorySlot: 46
        PerformCommand: "friendsgui close"
        Base64Value: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmYWIwZTZhZWE4ODc0OGNhM2I1NTEyZWQ1MDJhNmQxOGU3NmQ4YWZjNDc3MGQ5OTUyMzNhYzBkYzUxODYifX19"
    InventoryTitle: "&3%NAME%"
    # Available sizes are multiples of 9 up to 54
    # [ 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54 ]
    InventorySize: 9
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&6Favorite"
      Material: "golden_apple"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: "&7Currently: %FAVORITE_STATUS%"
      InventorySlot: 6
      FavoriteStatusOn: "&aOn"
      FavoriteStatusOff: "&cOff"
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&6%NAME% can send you messages"
      Material: "paper"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: "&7Currently: %SENDMESSAGES_STATUS%// //&7This includes the friendchat, private//&7messages and join/quit notifications!"
      InventorySlot: 5
      SendMessagesStatusOn: "&aOn"
      SendMessagesStatusOff: "&cOff"
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&6Give your friend a nickname!"
      Material: "name_tag"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: "&7Currently: %NICKNAME%// //&3Rightclick &7to remove the nickname!"
      InventorySlot: 3
      NoNicknameReplacement: "-"
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      Name: "&cRemove %NAME% from your friends"
      Material: "red_wool"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: ""
      InventorySlot: 9
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      Name: "&7Back to your friends"
      Material: "iron_door"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: ""
      InventorySlot: 1
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmYWIwZTZhZWE4ODc0OGNhM2I1NTEyZWQ1MDJhNmQxOGU3NmQ4YWZjNDc3MGQ5OTUyMzNhYzBkYzUxODYifX19"
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&9Jump to %NAME%"
      Material: "firework_rocket"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: ""
      InventorySlot: 4
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&dInvite %NAME% to your Party!"
      Material: "firework_star"
      Lore: ""
      InventorySlot: 7
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      Material: "gray_stained_glass_pane"
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
     - 2
      - 4
      - 7
      - 8
    # In the following section you are able to create your own items, which can perform commands or just work as additional placeholders/design elements.
    # To add a new item, just follow these format-rules:
    # CustomItems:
    #   CUSTOM_ITEM_<Number>:
    #     Name: ""
    #     Material: ""
    #     Lore: ""
    #     InventorySlot: 1
    #     PerformCommand: <Command> | If you do not want to use a command just let it empty
    #      Base64Value: ""
      NO_ITEMS: []
    InventoryTitle: "&aYour requests: (Page %PAGE%)"
    # Available sizes are multiples of 9 up to 54
    # [ 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54 ]
    InventorySize: 54
    # If you enable this option, the Next-/PreviousPageItem will only be shown, if you have more friends than can fit on one page
    HidePageItemsWhenNotNeeded: false
      Name: "&a%NAME%"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: "&7Requested: %DATE%//&7Message: //&f%MESSAGE%"
      NoMessageReplacement: "-"
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&aAccept all"
      Material: "lime_wool"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: "&7Currently: %REQUESTS_COUNT%"
      InventorySlot: 49
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&cDeny all"
      Material: "red_wool"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: "&7Currently: %REQUESTS_COUNT%"
      InventorySlot: 51
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      Name: "&7Back to friends"
      Material: "iron_door"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: ""
      InventorySlot: 46
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmYWIwZTZhZWE4ODc0OGNhM2I1NTEyZWQ1MDJhNmQxOGU3NmQ4YWZjNDc3MGQ5OTUyMzNhYzBkYzUxODYifX19"
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&bPrevious Page"
      Material: "arrow"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: ""
      InventorySlot: 53
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzdhZWU5YTc1YmYwZGY3ODk3MTgzMDE1Y2NhMGIyYTdkNzU1YzYzMzg4ZmYwMTc1MmQ1ZjQ0MTlmYzY0NSJ9fX0="
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&bNext Page"
      Material: "arrow"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: ""
      InventorySlot: 54
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjgyYWQxYjljYjRkZDIxMjU5YzBkNzVhYTMxNWZmMzg5YzNjZWY3NTJiZTM5NDkzMzgxNjRiYWM4NGE5NmUifX19"
      Material: "gray_stained_glass_pane"
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
     - 47
      - 48
      - 50
      - 52
    # In the following section you are able to create your own items, which can perform commands or just work as additional placeholders/design elements.
    # To add a new item, just follow these format-rules:
    # CustomItems:
    #   CUSTOM_ITEM_<Number>:
    #     Name: ""
    #     Material: ""
    #     Lore: ""
    #     InventorySlot: 1
    #     PerformCommand: <Command> | If you do not want to use a command just let it empty
    #      Base64Value: ""
      NO_ITEMS: []
    InventoryTitle: "&a%NAME% request:"
    # Available sizes are multiples of 9 up to 54
    # [ 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54 ]
    InventorySize: 9
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&7%NAME%'s message:"
      Material: "paper"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: "&r&o%MESSAGE%"
      InventorySlot: 5
      NoMessageReplacement: "-"
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      Name: "&aAccept %NAME%'s request"
      Material: "lime_wool"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: ""
      InventorySlot: 4
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      Name: "&cDeny %NAME%'s request"
      Material: "red_wool"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: ""
      InventorySlot: 6
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      Name: "&7Back to your requests"
      Material: "iron_door"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: ""
      InventorySlot: 1
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmYWIwZTZhZWE4ODc0OGNhM2I1NTEyZWQ1MDJhNmQxOGU3NmQ4YWZjNDc3MGQ5OTUyMzNhYzBkYzUxODYifX19"
      Material: "gray_stained_glass_pane"
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
     - 2
      - 3
      - 7
      - 8
      - 9
    # In the following section you are able to create your own items, which can perform commands or just work as additional placeholders/design elements.
    # To add a new item, just follow these format-rules:
    # CustomItems:
    #   CUSTOM_ITEM_<Number>:
    #     Name: ""
    #     Material: ""
    #     Lore: ""
    #     InventorySlot: 1
    #     PerformCommand: <Command> | If you do not want to use a command just let it empty
    #      Base64Value: ""
      NO_ITEMS: []
    InventoryTitle: "&3Options:"
    # Available sizes are multiples of 9 up to 54
    # [ 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54 ]
    InventorySize: 9
    OptionStatusOn: "&aOn"
    OptionStatusOff: "&cOff"
      Name: "&7Back to your friends"
      Material: "iron_door"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: ""
      InventorySlot: 1
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjFmYWIwZTZhZWE4ODc0OGNhM2I1NTEyZWQ1MDJhNmQxOGU3NmQ4YWZjNDc3MGQ5OTUyMzNhYzBkYzUxODYifX19"
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&6Receive Messages"
      Material: "paper"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: "&7Currently: %OPTION_MESSAGES_STATUS%// //&7Toggle receiving messages of all kind//&7Includes private messages aswell as//&7the friendchat and join/quit notifications"
      InventorySlot: 3
      OnlyFavoritesStatus: "&eOnly Favorites"
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&6Receive Requests"
      Material: "player_head"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: "&7Currently: %OPTION_REQUESTS_STATUS%// //&7Toggle wether you want to receive//&7friendrequests from other players"
      InventorySlot: 5
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&6Offlinemode"
      Material: "red_bed"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: "&7Currently: %OPTION_OFFLINEMODE_STATUS%// //&7If enabled, you will be shown//&7as offline to all your friends"
      InventorySlot: 7
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&6Change your status"
      Material: "name_tag"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: "&7Your current status://&r&o%STATUS%"
      InventorySlot: 9
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&9Jumping"
      Material: "firework_rocket"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: "&7Currently: %OPTION_JUMPING_STATUS%// //&7If enabled, friends can jump to//&7your current location!"
      InventorySlot: 4
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      ShowItem: true
      Name: "&dParty Invites"
      Material: "firework_star"
      # You can split the lines by using '//'
      Lore: "&7Currently: %OPTION_PARTY_STATUS%// //&7Toggle wether you want to receive//&7partyinvites from your friends!"
      InventorySlot: 2
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
      Material: "gray_stained_glass_pane"
      # If you want to use custom skins on your items, you can put in a Base64-Value:
      # You can find Base64-Values here: https://minecraft-heads.com
      # Using a broken value will show steves-head!
      Base64Value: ""
     - 2
      - 4
      - 6
      - 8
    # In the following section you are able to create your own items, which can perform commands or just work as additional placeholders/design elements.
    # To add a new item, just follow these format-rules:
    # CustomItems:
    #   CUSTOM_ITEM_<Number>:
    #     Name: ""
    #     Material: ""
    #     Lore: ""
    #     InventorySlot: 1
    #     PerformCommand: <Command> | If you do not want to use a command just let it empty
    #      Base64Value: ""
      NO_ITEMS: []
  NoPermissions: "%PREFIX% &cYou are not allowed to perform this command!"
  NoPlayer: "%PREFIX% &cThis command can only be performed by players!"
  PlayerDoesNotExist: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% has never played on this server!"
  JoinMessage: "%PREFIX% &a%NAME% is now online!"
  QuitMessage: "%PREFIX% &7%NAME% is now offline!"
    WrongUsage: "%PREFIX% &cWrong usage! -> %USAGE%"
    UnknownCommand: "%PREFIX% &cUnknown command! -> /friends help"
    Version: "%PREFIX% &aYou are running FriendsBungee-Version: &e%VERSION%"
      UnknownPage: "%PREFIX% &c%PAGE% &c is not a valid helppage!"
     - "%PREFIX% ------------------------------------------"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/f add <Name> (<Message>)"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/f accept (<Name>)"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/f deny (<Name>)"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/f remove <Name>"
      - "%PREFIX%"
      - "%PREFIX% &7More commands -> /friends help 2"
      - "%PREFIX% ------------------------------------------"
     - "%PREFIX% ------------------------------------------"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/f list"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/f acceptall"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/f denyall"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/f msg <Name> <Message>"
      - "%PREFIX%"
      - "%PREFIX% &7More commands -> /friends help 3"
      - "%PREFIX% ------------------------------------------"
     - "%PREFIX% ------------------------------------------"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/f status show <Name>"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/f status set <Status>"
      - "%PREFIX% ------------------------------------------"
      MessageCharLimit: "%PREFIX% &cYour personal message cannot be longer than %LIMIT% chars!"
      SendSelf: "%PREFIX% &cYou cannot add yourself as a friend!"
      AlreadyFriends: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% is already your friend!"
      AlreadyRequested: "%PREFIX% &cYou have already sent a request to %NAME%!"
      RequestSend: "%PREFIX% &aYou successfully send a friendrequest to %NAME%!"
      RequestMessageSend: "%PREFIX% &aYour message: &7%MESSAGE%"
      ReceiveRequest: "%PREFIX% &aYou received a friendrequest from %NAME%!"
      ReceiveRequestMessage: "%PREFIX% &7``&b&o%MESSAGE%&r&7``"
      NoRequestsWanted: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% does not want to receive friendrequests!"
        Message: "%PREFIX% &6%ACCEPT_BUTTON% &aor &c%DENY_BUTTON% &a%NAME%'s request!"
          Text: "&6[Accept]"
          Hover: "&aClick here to accept %NAME%'s request!"
          Text: "&c[Deny]"
          Hover: "&cClick here to deny %NAME%'s request!"
      NoRequest: "%PREFIX% &cYou do not have a request from %NAME%!"
      NoNewRequest: "%PREFIX% &cYou do not have any new requests!"
      LimitReached: "%PREFIX% &cYou have already reached the maximum amount of %LIMIT% friends!"
      NewFriend: "%PREFIX% &a%NAME% is now your new friend!"
    AcceptAllCommand: "%PREFIX% &aYou accepted %REQUESTS_COUNT% requests!"
    DenyAllCommand: "%PREFIX% &7You denied %REQUESTS_COUNT% requests!"
      NoRequest: "%PREFIX% &cYou do not have a request from %NAME%!"
      NoNewRequest: "%PREFIX% &cYou do not have any new requests!"
      DenyRequest: "%PREFIX% &7You denied the request from %NAME%!"
      DeniedRequest: "%PREFIX% &7%NAME% denied your request!"
      NoFriends: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% is not your friend!"
      FriendRemoved: "%PREFIX% &7%NAME% is no longer your friend!"
      StatusLenght: "%PREFIX% &cYour status cannot be longer than %LIMIT% chars!"
      AbusivePhrase: "%PREFIX% &cYour status contains forbidden phrases! \n%PREFIX% &cFlagged: &7%PHRASE%"
      StatusSet: "%PREFIX% &aYou successfully changed your status!\n%PREFIX% &aStatus: &7``%STATUS%``"
      CantChangeYet: "%PREFIX% &cYou can change your status again in %REMAINING_TIME% seconds!"
      NoStatus: "%PREFIX% &7You currently have no status set!"
      CurrentStatus: "%PREFIX% &aYour current status is:\n%PREFIX% &7``%STATUS%``"
        NoFriends: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% has to be your friend in order to see his status!"
        NoStatus: "%PREFIX% &7%NAME% currently has no status!"
        ShowStatus: "%PREFIX% &a%NAME%'s status:\n%PREFIX% &7``%STATUS%``"
      NoFriends: "%PREFIX% &7You currently have no friends!"
      List: "%PREFIX% &aOnline (&7%ONLINE_COUNT%&a):\n%PREFIX% &7%ONLINE_FRIENDS%\n%PREFIX% &aOffline (&7%OFFLINE_COUNT%&a):\n%PREFIX% &8%OFFLINE_FRIENDS%"
      PlayerOffline: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% seems to be offline!"
      NoFriends: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% has to be your friend in order to send him a private message!"
      MessagesDisabled: "%PREFIX% &cYou cannot send messages while you have set them to off!"
      NoMSGWanted: "%PREFIX% &cYou are currently not able to send %NAME% private messages!"
      MSG: "&bF &7| [&3%SENDER%&7] -> [&3%NAME%&7]: &r%MESSAGE%"
      AbusivePhrase: "%PREFIX% &cYour message contains forbidden phrases! \n%PREFIX% &cFlagged: &7%PHRASE%"
      NoReply: "%PREFIX% &cYou do not have a message to repyl to!"
      NoFriends: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% has to be your friend in order to jump to his location!"
      PlayerOffline: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% seems to be offline!"
      JumpingDisabled: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% does not want players to jump to his location!"
      JumpToFriend: "%PREFIX% &aYou jumped to %NAME%'s location!"
      JumpedToYou: "%PREFIX% &3%NAME% jumped to your location!"
      ServerBlocked: "%PREFIX% &cYou cannot jump to your friends current server!"
      SameServer: "%PREFIX% &cYou are already on the same server as %NAME%!"
      Enable: "%PREFIX% &aYou enabled jumping to your location!"
      Disable: "%PREFIX% &7You disbaled jumping to your location!"
      Enable: "%PREFIX% &aPlayers are now able to send your friendrequests!"
      Disable: "%PREFIX% &7Players are no longer able to send you requests!"
      Disable: "%PREFIX% &aYou won't get any further messages from your friends!"
      Enable: "%PREFIX% &7You can now receive messages from your friends!"
      OnlyFavorites: "%PREFIX% &6Only your favorite players are able to send you messages now!"
      Disable: "%PREFIX% &aYou are now online!"
      Enable: "%PREFIX% &7You are now offline!"
      Disable: "%PREFIX% &7You will not receive any more party invites!"
      Enable: "%PREFIX% &aYou can now receive party invites again!"
      NoFriends: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% has to be your friend in order to give him a nickname!"
      SameNickname: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% is already named %NICKNAME%!"
      SetNick: "%PREFIX% &a%NAME% is now called %NICKNAME%"
      AbusivePhrase: "%PREFIX% &cYour nickname contains forbidden phrases! \n%PREFIX% &cFlagged: &7%PHRASE%"
      NickLenght: "%PREFIX% &cA nickname cannot be longer than 16 characters!"
    DisabledOption: "%PREFIX% &cYou cannot write in the friendchat while you have disabled your messages!"
    Format: "&b%NAME% -> Friends&7:&r%MESSAGE%"
    AbusivePhrase: "%PREFIX% &cYour message contains forbidden phrases! \n%PREFIX% &cFlagged: &7%PHRASE%"
  NoPermissions: "%PREFIX% &cYou do not have permissions to do that!"
  NoPlayer: "%PREFIX% &cOnly players are able to perform this command!"
  UnknownCommand: "%PREFIX% &cUnknown command! -> /party help"
  WrongUsage: "%PREFIX% &cWrong usage! -> %USAGE%"
    PlayerInvalid: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% seems to be offline!"
      UnknownPage: "%PREFIX% &c%PAGE% &c is not a valid helppage!"
     - "%PREFIX% ------------------------------------------"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/party invite <Name>"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/party accept <Name>"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/party deny <Name>"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/party leave"
      - "%PREFIX%"
      - "%PREFIX% &7More commands -> /party help 2"
      - "%PREFIX% ------------------------------------------"
     - "%PREFIX% ------------------------------------------"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/party kick <Name>"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/party promote <Name>"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/party demote <Name>"
      - "%PREFIX% &b@party <Message>"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/party join <Name>"
      - "%PREFIX% &b/party list"
      - "%PREFIX% ------------------------------------------"
      NoFriends: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% has to be your friend in order to invite him to your party!"
      NoInvites: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% does not want to receive any party-invites!"
      AlreadyInParty: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% is already in a party!"
      NotLeader: "%PREFIX% &cOnly party leaders are able to invite new members!"
      AlreadyInvited: "%PREFIX% &cYou have already sent an invite to %NAME%!"
      PlayerOffline: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% seems to be offline!"
      InviteSent: "%PREFIX% &aYou have successfully send an invite to %NAME%!"
      InviteReceived: "%PREFIX% &3%NAME% &awants you to join his party!"
      CreateParty: "%PREFIX% &aYou successfully created a party!"
        Message: "%PREFIX% %ACCEPT_BUTTON% &aor %DENY_BUTTON% &a%NAME%'s party-invite!"
          Text: "&6[Accept]"
          Hover: "&aClick here to accept %NAME%'s request!"
          Text: "&c[Deny]"
          Hover: "&cClick here to deny %NAME%'s request!"
      NoInvite: "%PREFIX% &cYou do not have an invite from %NAME%!"
      Deny: "%PREFIX% &7You denied the invite from %NAME%!"
      NoNewInvite: "%PREFIX% &cYou do not have any new invite!"
      Denied: "%PREFIX% &7%NAME% denied your party-invite!"
      NoInvite: "%PREFIX% &cYou do not have an invite from %NAME%!"
      PartyClosed: "%PREFIX% &cThe party you want to join does not exist anymore!"
      NoNewInvite: "%PREFIX% &cYou do not have any new invite!"
      InviteExpired: "%PREFIX% &cThis party-invite has expired!"
      PartyLimitReached: "%PREFIX% &cThe party you want to join has already reached the maximum amount of players!"
      Join: "%PREFIX% &aYou joined %NAME%'s party!"
      NewMember: "%PREFIX% &3%NAME% has joined the party!"
      AlreadyInParty: "%PREFIX% &cYou are currently in another party!"
      NoParty: "%PREFIX% &cYou are currently in no party!"
      Leave: "%PREFIX% &7You left the party!"
      MemberLeave: "%PREFIX% &3%NAME% &7has left the party!"
      NotInParty: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% is not a member of your party!"
      NoParty: "%PREFIX% &cYou are currently in no party!"
      NoLeader: "%PREFIX% &cOnly partyleaders are able to promote other members!"
      Promoted: "%PREFIX% &a%NAME% is now a party-leader!"
      NewLeader: "%PREFIX% &aYou are now a party-leader!"
      AlreadyLeader: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% is already a party-leader!"
      NotInParty: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% is not a member of your party!"
      NoParty: "%PREFIX% &cYou are currently in no party!"
      AlreadyMember: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% is already a normal party-member!"
      NoLeader: "%PREFIX% &cOnly partyleaders are able to demote other members!"
      Demoted: "%PREFIX% &7%NAME% is no longer a leader!"
      NewMember: "%PREFIX% &7You are no longer a party-leader!"
      NoParty: "%PREFIX% &cYou are currently in no party!"
      List: "%PREFIX% &aLeaders (&7%LEADER_COUNT%&a):\n%PREFIX% &7%PARTY_LEADERS%\n%PREFIX% &aMembers (&7%MEMBER_COUNT%&a):\n%PREFIX% &7%PARTY_MEMBERS%"
      NoParty: "%PREFIX% &cYou are currently in no party!"
      NotInParty: "%PREFIX% &c%NAME% is not a member of your party!"
      NoLeader: "%PREFIX% &cOnly leaders can kick other members!"
      Kick: "%PREFIX% &7%NAME% was kicked out of your party!"
      Kicked: "%PREFIX% &cYou were kicked out of the party!"
    NoParty: "%PREFIX% &cYou are currently in no party!"
    Message: "%PREFIX% &3%NAME% | &r%MESSAGE%"
    AbusivePhrase: "%PREFIX% &cYour message contains forbidden phrases! \n%PREFIX% &cFlagged: &7%PHRASE%"
    ServerBlocked: "%PREFIX% &cYou cannot enter this server while beeing in a party!"
    JoinServer: "%PREFIX% &aYour party joins server %SERVER%!"

Видео обзор плагина Friends Premium:​

Эти видео взяты из бесплатного ресурса Friends для Spigot, но прекрасно представляют этот плагин.

Плэйсхолдеры плагина Friends Premium:​


Установка плагина Friends Premium:​

- Для использования FriendsPremium вам необходимо иметь BungeeCord/Waterfall-Network и MySQL-Database!

  1. - Поместите FriendsPremium на ваш прокси и тот же файл на все серверы, на которых вы хотите, чтобы игроки использовали встроенный GUI!
  2. - Перезапустите все серверы
  3. - Перейдите в папку с плагинами FriendsPremium и откройте MySQL.yml
  4. - Введите данные для входа в вашу базу данных
  5. - Снова перезапустите все серверы. Все готово.


Все разрешения являются разрешениями уровня bungee. Не имеет значения, являетесь ли вы OP. Вам нужен плагин на права, который обрабатывает разрешения для BungeeCord.

Иногда необходимо включить BungeeCord в spigot.yml ваших серверов. Если ваши друзья не отображаются в инвентаре как положено, перейдите в
папки каждого сервера и найдите файл spigot.yml. Внутри есть опция "BungeeCord", обязательно включите ее.



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