Плагин Механика RPG/MMO Другое EnchantmentSlots [4.2.9]

Краткое описание:
Packet based - Highly compatibility - Permission group - EcoEnchants support
3 090
  • Лайк 0
  • Gold love
Реакции:54 пользователей

Последние обновления


Добавлена поддержка хранимых энчантов для правил contains-enchants и contains-enchants-amount.


Добавлена поддержка группы правил с несколькими совпадениями предметов в любом правиле. В...


Добавлено новое правило соответствия предмета: contains-enchants-amount.
Смотреть еще...
Для версий
  1. 1.17.✘
  2. 1.18.✘
  3. 1.19.✘
  4. 1.20.✘
  5. 1.21.✘
Исходный код
Require Java 17!
Require latest ProtocolLib!


EnchantmentSlots help you add enchantment slot in your server. All weapons, tools, armors will have a new attribute: enchantment slot. Players can only enchant a maximum of enchantment slot value enchantments to an item. This will help your server avoid player has too many enchantments and break the PvP or PvE balance.

  • Packet based, your server won't get the lore we added, only client will display it, this means we compatibility with most item plugins.
    • Creative mode not support this.
  • Auto lore update.
  • Support other realenchantments plugins, like EcoEnchants.
    • AdvancedmentEnchantments and EpicEnchant are not real enchantment plugin, so this plugin won't work for them.
  • Built-in condition system, you can make ranked players have more default enchantment slots.
  • Players can use extra slot item to make their item have more enchantment slots. (Support custom texture with custom-model-data)
  • Add 4 placeholders which can also display enchantment slots info in other item plugins! (Require Packet.enabled be set to true)
  • Auto remove illegal extra enchantments.
    • We can only forbidden add enchantments by vanilla ways, like enchanting table and anvil.
    • We can't forbid add enchantments by other way, for example, EnchantGUI, or enchant shop, they will directly change the item enchant without calling an event. This feature will remove the extra enchantments by those illegal ways.
How to use
 2023 10 26 144858

 2023 10 11 231205

 2023 10 11 231239

(Enchant info feature is provided by EcoEnchants)

 2023 10 11 232233

# Settings
  debug: false
    # Whether we remove display lore when packet send to server.
    # This will make item more safe, no lead to lore dupe.
    # However maybe have problems with other plugins.
    register-remove-lore: true
    # Does not support other packed-based item, enchants plugins.
    # Like EcoEnchants, EcoItems.
    # They will always put their lore at first location and EnchantmentSlots can do nothing about it.
    # So you need to disable packed-based option above if you want to set this option.
    at-first-or-last: false
    # Do not change this option when server started!
    # Only change this if your server has stopped!
    # Do not use common symbols!
    # Plugin will try deletes all lore that similar to below!
    # If you want to use empty line, use '&7   ' instead!
    # - '&7   ' is right, the more space you have, the more safe it is.
    # - '' is wrong. It will make item lose all empty line you set by other plugins!
      - "&#ff3300Enchant Slots: {enchant_amount}/{slot_amount}"
      - "{enchants}"
      - "{empty_slots}"
    # Do not change this option when server started!
    # Only change this if your server has stopped!
        # Other placeholder: {enchant_level_roman}
        format: '&6  {enchant_name} {enchant_level}'
        format: '&7  --- Empty Slot ---'
    # This is when will plugin try add lore?
      # This means all items that can be enchanted will auto add lore.
      # Recommend not enable it because it will lead to item in third-plugin item will also be added the lore.
        enabled: false
        # Will try auto check whether it is an enchantable item.
        # Recommend not use it. If not enable, will use whitelist-items instead.
        auto-check: false
          - wooden_pickaxe
          - stone_pickaxe
          - iron_pickaxe
          - golden_pickaxe
          - diamond_pickaxe
          - netherite_pickaxe
          - wooden_hoe
          - stone_hoe
          - iron_hoe
          - golden_hoe
          - diamond_hoe
          - netherite_hoe
          - wooden_axe
          - stone_axe
          - iron_axe
          - golden_axe
          - diamond_axe
          - netherite_axe
          - wooden_shovel
          - stone_shovel
          - iron_shovel
          - golden_shovel
          - diamond_shovel
          - netherite_shovel
          - wooden_sword
          - stone_sword
          - iron_sword
          - golden_sword
          - diamond_sword
          - netherite_sword
          - fishing_rod
          - elytra
          - bow
          - crossbow
          - carrot_on_a_stick
          - shield
          - turtle_helmet
          - leather_helmet
          - chainmail_helmet
          - iron_helmet
          - golden_helmet
          - diamond_helmet
          - netherite_helmet
          - leather_chestplate
          - chainmail_chestplate
          - iron_chestplate
          - golden_chestplate
          - diamond_chestplate
          - netherite_chestplate
          - leather_leggings
          - chainmail_leggings
          - iron_leggings
          - golden_leggings
          - diamond_leggings
          - netherite_leggings
          - leather_boots
          - chainmail_boots
          - iron_boots
          - golden_boots
          - diamond_boots
          - netherite_boots
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
    black-creative-mode: true
    black-item-has-lore: false
    default: 0
  #  diamond_sword:
  #    default: 20
  #    vip: 30
  #  # You can type third plugin item ID here.
  #  # For now, EnchantmentSlots support:
  #  # MMOItems, EcoItems, EcoArmor, MythicMobs, NeigeItems, ItemsAdder, Oraxen.
  #  superior_sword:
  #    default: 100
  #    vip: 200
  # Only work for extra slot items.
  # Remove this section if you don't want this feature.
    default: 0
  # max-slots-by-item
  # Similar to default-slots-by-item, remove the section to not use this feature.
      - 'permission: group.vip'
  close-inventory-if-reached-limit: true
  remove-illegal-extra-enchant: true

    material: PAPER
    name: '&dExtra Enchantment Slot &7(+1)'
      - '&fDrag this item into your item to use!'
    add-slots: 1
    material: PAPER
    custom-model-data: 5
    name: '&dExtra Enchantment Slot &7(+5)'
      - '&fDrag this item into your item to use!'
    add-slots: 5

# Enchant Name
  # Default providing vanilla enchantments here.
  # For third enchantment plugins:
  # Plugin will auto get enchantment display name that provided by EcoEnchants and ExcellentEnchants
  # If you are not using the 2 plugins, please using "Enchantment Key: Enchantment Display Name" format
  # Like:
  # an_other_enchantment: 'This is just an example here!'
  protection: 'Protection'
  fire_protection: 'Fire Protection'
  feather_falling: 'Feather Falling'
  blast_protection: 'Blast Protection'
  projectile_protection: 'Projectile Protection'
  respiration: 'Respiration'
  aqua_affinity: 'Aqua Affinity'
  thorns: 'Thorns'
  depth_strider: 'Depth Strider'
  frost_walker: 'Frost Walker'
  binding_curse: 'Binding Curse'
  sharpness: 'Sharpness'
  smite: 'Smite'
  bane_of_arthropods: 'Bane of Arthropods'
  knockback: 'Knockback'
  fire_aspect: 'Fire Aspect'
  looting: 'Looting'
  sweeping: 'Sweeping'
  efficiency: 'Efficiency'
  silk_touch: 'Silk Touch'
  unbreaking: 'Unbreaking'
  fortune: 'Fortune'
  power: 'Power'
  punch: 'Punch'
  flame: 'Flame'
  infinity: 'Infinity'
  luck_of_the_sea: 'Luck of the Sea'
  lure: 'Lure'
  loyalty: 'Loyalty'
  impaling: 'Impaling'
  riptide: 'Riptide'
  channeling: 'Channeling'
  multishot: 'Multishot'
  quick_charge: 'Quick Charge'
  piercing: 'Piercing'
  mending: 'Mending'
  vanishing_curse: 'Vanishing Curse'
  soul_speed: 'Soul Speed'

# Messages
  plugin-reloaded: "&#98FB98[EnchantmentSlots] &fPlugin reloaded!"
  help-main: |
    &f/es help &7- View help.
  help-main-admin: |
    &f/es help &7- View help.
    &f/es reload &7- Reload the plugin.
    &f/es setslots <amount> &7- Set enchantment slot to specified amount.
    &f/es giveslots <amount> &7- Add enchantment slots specified amount.
    &f/es giveslots <itemID> <player> &7- Give extra slot item to specified player.
  help-main-console: |
    &f/es help &7- View help.
    &f/es reload &7- Reload the plugin.
    &f/es giveslots <itemID> <player> &7- Give extra slot item to specified player.
  give-extra-slot-item: "&#98FB98[EnchantmentSlots] &aGave %player% extra slot item %item% x%amount%"
  success-add: "&#98FB98[EnchantmentSlots] &aAdd %amount% extra main hand item enchantment slot!"
  success-set: "&#98FB98[EnchantmentSlots] &aSet main hand item enchantment slot to %amount%!"
  slots-limit-reached: "&#98FB98[EnchantmentSlots] &cYour item has reached its enchantment limits!"
  max-slots-reached: "&#98FB98[EnchantmentSlots] &cYour item can not have more enchantment slots!"
  error-args: "&#98FB98[EnchantmentSlots] &cWrong command usage, if you need help, use /es help!"
  error-miss-permission: "&#98FB98[EnchantmentSlots] &cYou don't have permission to use this command!"
  error-in-game: "&#98FB98[EnchantmentSlots] &cYou have to use this command in game!"
  error-no-item: "&#98FB98[EnchantmentSlots] &cCan not get item in your main hand!"
  player-not-found: "&#98FB98[EnchantmentSlots] &cWe can't find player %player%!"



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