- Supports version
- 1.12.✘
- 1.13.✘
- 1.14.✘
- 1.15.✘
- 1.16.✘
- 1.17.✘
- 1.18.✘
- 1.19.✘
Welcome to the Official Dungeons System Plugin.
Languages Supported: English (default) or you can transfer to your language.
The purpose of this plugin is to allow the user to create highly detailed dungeons, with a multitude of choices when it comes to stages, objectives, mobs, and loot generation. Consult this guide whenever you require information about specific functionality of the plugin.
- Custom Dungeons
- Create custom dungeons with set goals that players must complete
- Allows multiple players to play at the same time
- Players can play the dungeon with their own items
- Set cooldowns for each dungeon
- Dungeon Keys
- The player can join the dungeon by key
- Dungeon Items
- Create unlimited custom items (item.yml), support custom model data (1.14+), enchantments, lores, display name, custom flag, ...
- Custom Mobs
- Create unlimited custom mobs
- Custom armor and equipment
- Custom damage, custom health, custom drops of your created mobs
- Custom Lootchests
- Create unlimited custom loot chests, random items, custom chances when the dungeon start
- Custom Spawner | Hordes
- How many mobs will spawn per spawner cycle in custom spawner
- Customize the stage you want to spawn, removes mobs that wander after finish the dungeon
- Spawn custom mobs with dungeon spawners
- Supports custom mobs created MythicMobs
- Custom Portals
- Custom portals in the dungeon, teleport players from A location to B location
- Party System
- Create a party to play with your team
- Checkpoints
- Custom checkpoints, checkpoint per stage for players on death. If the dungeon doesn't have any checkpoints, players will respawn at the start location
- And more features
- Players can play the dungeon with their own items or with configurable classes
- A multitude of stages that players are required to go through
- Loot chests with different ways of loot generation
- Simple but powerful mob editing GUI
- Set various requirements for dungeon entry
Numerous configurable options for each dungeon - Custom requirements, custom rewards, ...
- Customize rewards per stage or rewards when finishing the dungeon
- Different objectives allow you to use your maps dynamically for different purposes
- Cooldown, time limits per dungeon
- Unlimited stages, custom stages with more objectives
- Limited system lives, lives players have for the dungeon
- Configuration everything IN-GAME
- PlaceholderAPI support
- Dungeon System supports 1.12 and higher.
- Support Hex Color with Custom Mobs with 1.16 and higher.
- CorpseReborn support (recommend)
- MythicMobs support
- Boss™ support
- Citizens support
- PlaceholderAPI support
- MVdWPlaceholderAPI support
- MMOItems support
- MMOCore support
- ProSkillAPI support
If you don't see the pictures above
If you bought the plugin, please join DISCORD to supported